– Ezio Auditore
I am certain Jacob (and his pene) would very much want that your presentation is about him alone. He likes to imagine that the game is all about him, you see.
However, do take care and please don’t leave Evie out. You never know what the best Victorian Assassin in London can do to you~
~ Signora Paola
I’m not certain which sexy bunny suit you are referring to.
Is it this one?
Or this one?
I think both these fine gentlemen would look fantastic in those heels btw
~ Signora Paola
Yes, indeed, that is what happens here at the bordello.
Claudia and Ezio’s squabbles don’t really go anywhere
Fiora’s in Shay heaven
Teodora’s trying to make Arno notice her
Paola’s busy doing… things and likely floating in space at this very moment
As newcomer Rosa drops by and prepares herself for Haytham
As you can see, we are all very qualified to manage this bordello
Molte grazie for your very kind words! We are always delighted to hear from you! Keep sinning, you beautiful sinner you! (‘∀’●)♡
~ From all of us at La Rosa in Fiore
Aww, thank you! That was my vision for this blog: to make it a safe haven for those that just need someone to be like, “Hey, I feel that way, too!” and hopefully something good or at least fun would come out of confessing something potentially embarrassing… like all the good sexy fics out there, or all the good LOLs that were had. 😛 Or the craziness that happened with the AC crew actually finding out this blog *chokes* (still don’t know how to feel about that TBH bwahahaha forever caught between embarrassment and flattery~)
I have to admit, this was my one refuge to go whenever the AC fandom would get really dumb at times, or full of too much drama. There’s something about sexy thoughts brings everyone together. 😛
And that’s what I miss about this blog and why I came back. Thank you for the kind welcome!
How did Jacob get his own bed sheet? Is it made out of silk? He may have some nice sheets, but he’ll never have a nice mask like mine.
Honestly, ever since that minor Twitter hoopla I’ve always wondered if he has a Tumblr account. He could be anywhere.
I certainly hope the fella you met plans to submit his confessions here.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola
Please do! The Haystack needs more drabbles (and the more variety the better! ;D)
And I can completely sympathise with you about being affected by the confessions here. I never admitted this out loud, but as someone who was slowly drifting away from the fandom last year I thought it was best to leave because I just didn’t have the same passion for it anymore.
But then Syndicate happened, our inbox overflowed with confessions, and I was close to panic because I couldn’t find enough images. So I made the decision: Get the goddamned game and make my own images. At least that’s the reason I told everyone when they asked why I went back to playing AC; however, the real reason why I decided to get it was I was getting really curious because of the confessions here.
So, yes, if it weren’t for the confessions here subtly pushing me to buy the game and getting back into the fandom, I would’ve quitted early this year. So I really have to thank all of you for making me stay. ♥️♥️♥️
Ever grateful,
~ Signora Paola
Yes give us all the love you have, lovely people and GIVE US THE PORTRAIT OF EZIO! 😀
We’d absolutely love to see it 😀
-Sister Teodora.