Thank you very much for participating in our What they do when they’re having rough sex ask meme! ♥

Evie’s so used to keeping her emotions in check that we imagine that when she wants rough sex, she wouldn’t say anything. She’d keep quiet, but when you feel her fingernails digging deep into your back (or butt ;D) you know she’s really feeling it. When you feel her clawing you, scratching deep in your skin (maybe even deep enough to draw a bit of blood), you know she’s far gone. She might even bite you (which may be a Frye trait) to keep quiet (because she’s still trying to keep her emotions in check). Who knows – if you do her just right, you might even have her screaming. 😉

Spanking and a bit of hair pulling. He’s the type who would do doggystyle if he wants it rough. He’d spank you because he likes the view of your buttocks turning dark under his ministrations, and the hair pulling is especially arousing for him because it makes you completely under his mercy and control. So, make sure your hair is long and/or can easily be seized with his hand 😉

Like Desmond, he’d spank you, but he’d be more of the “Obey me or else” sort. We think that once he’s really into the rough sex, his dominant side would manifest even more. If you tell him and give him your consent that you’re into a bit of choking and/or slapping he’d give it to you. Maybe assert his authority even more by demanding that you answer him every time he asks you question (while you’re having sex, yes – would you be able to even answer him at that point?).

He’d try to rein himself in. At first. You’d know he’s close to bursting when he starts gripping hard whichever he could reach – bedsheet, headboard, maybe even you. He’d be a little horrified seeing his own handprints on your skin, but once you assure him that you love it there’s no turning back. When he’s really feeling it, be prepared to be restrained. He’d have your hands clasped behind your back or over your head (depending on your position), with his huge hand keeping it still. Like Desmond with his hair pulling, this is so arousing for him because it makes you utterly under his mercy.

He’d fuck you so hard you’d leave a hole in the bed (an exaggeration, but there is some truth in it, isn’t it?). Or have things fall off if you’re on a table… thumping sounds if it’s against the wall… etc. Basically, just grab onto something because he’s not playing. 😉 As mentioned in Evie’s, biting is a Frye trait and we think Jacob is especially proficient in doing it because he loves seeing his own teeth marks all over your skin. He’d also leave numerous hickeys so get ready to cover them up… unless you want to show them off.