Thank you very much for participating in our What they would do on their lover’s birthday? ask meme! ♥ We really apologise for the tardiness of our response! We’ve been so busy with our work outside La Rosa in Fiore!

No big parties here, he just wants to celebrate it with you privately. Of course, if you want to throw a party he wouldn’t object; just expect him to organise a different celebration where it’s only the two of you. He’d want to take you outdoors, maybe camping (if you’re not too adverse to it) or going to a place you really want to relax in. Maybe a lodge in a beautiful place or even a beach – imagine Connor in shorts or even swimming trunks, that should tick off one birthday wish for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He wants you to feel like a princess, so this is how it’s going to happen: He would hire your own chauffeur who would take you to places he already booked and paid for – a spa for a massage, a salon for a fancy haircut/hairstyling and make-up, a clothes shop where you can buy to your heart’s content (thank God for deep Assassin pockets). Then finally when you arrive in the restaurant you’re supposed to meet him you find out that it’s full of your friends and Arno is right in the middle of it, looking very much like a Prince Charming. Best of all – you find out that the birthday cake was personally baked by him.

Paola has her own headcanons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) He’d be a little excessive about it, like the stuff you see in movies. How? We could see him pretending that it’s just a normal birthday date. Nighttime comes and you’re in this park with other people. Suddenly, one group starts singing you a song you’ve never heard before. You don’t really pay attention until something in the lyrics catches your attention: They’re singing about you. To your utter surprise Jacob joins in, and before long the entire park is filled with song about you with him leading it. All the while you’re just standing there dumbfounded and feeling like you’re in a Disney movie.

Mister Kenway would make sure you enjoy your day with your loved ones and friends first arranging a party and making sure your guests enjoy themselves as well. Later then, he would take you for a private dinner for two at a fancy restaurant. Not only are you the only ones in the restaurant, but you also have your very own quartet performing you your favourite songs. You can pick your favorite meal and drink and he wouldn’t even mind the price. This is your day and you deserve the best.

We think that Shay would organize a surprise party with all your friends and family. You wouldn’t even expect what he has been planning through the weeks, but in case you’re starting to suspect something fishy he’s going to leave you sweet little notes everywhere during your special day. Once you get home: SURPRISE!! The cake is your favorite flavor, the music makes you want to dance and who better than to dance with your delightful boyfriend?