Thank you very much for participating in our first Ask Meme! ♥
How they would say ‘I love you’ for the first time:

Very spontaneous and unplanned. He would blurt it out because he was scared shitless that he was going to lose you – maybe because he thought you were going to leave him for good or, worse – you had a very close brush with death. He’d likely hide it behind anger and bluster at first (like in the case of you almost dying he’d probably rant about you not taking care of yourself, etc), but he’d definitely blurt the three-letter-word at the height of his ranting. Like perhaps you’d ask him what the hell his problem is and he’d go, “Well, pardon me for worrying too much just because I love you!”

He’d plan it like days, weeks, even a WHOLE MONTH beforehand. He’d know exactly where to go, what time, how he’d set the mood. He would even prepare and rehearse how he’d tell you, because goodness knows he’s not exactly the best speaker when it comes to talking about his feelings. Once the day arrives, everything goes well… until that moment he has to tell you words he has rehearsed so many weeks in advance. He’d stammer and forget most of the words he planned, so he’d have no choice but to do it all improvised. XD

He’d also plan it in advance, but in a very different manner than Connor. He’d take you for a date and you’d be out drinking. He’d watch you closely and see any signs that you’re tipsy. Once he sees that you’re getting “looser” than usual, that’s when he’d strike. He’d pretend to be drunk when he says “I love you,” though, JUST IN CASE you don’t return the depth of his feelings. He’s so scared of rejection that he just wants all his bases covered, you know? He’s expecting that you’d reject him, so he figured that when you’d confront to him about it the next day, he could always say, “Oh. I said that?!! I was too drunk, holy shit! I didn’t mean it lol sorry.” You’d have to convince him that you feel the same. 😉

Like Desmond you’d be out drinking when he says it, but he would be actually quite drunk when he blurts it out. The alcohol would definitely loosen all of his inhibitions and his tongue. Ehem. He’d be very touchy-feely the rest of the evening, repeating “I love you” over and over, that you’d have to wonder if he’s REALLY serious about it. The next day when you confront him about it during breakfast, he’d go, “Nay, that wasn’t me! It was the rum!” Just as you think it’s really just the alcohol that made him say it, he’d add, “This is me saying it now” in an earnest voice.

He knows you’re the one he loves and he wouldn’t waste his time trying to prove it when he could just say it outright. But he’d make sure that the moment is just right, that the mood is perfect. In a way, he’d also plan it meticulously, that nothing is going to remove you from the moment. There’s nothing worse than being interrupted by an outside party like maybe Edward gatecrashing the restaurant you’re having your romantic dinner in. He’d say it maybe after your date or during that romantic dinner, or when you’re dancing under the stars and staring into each others’ eyes.