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Warning: Underage

Confessions, Not-So-Dirty Confessions

August 12, 2015

“Does anyone else appreciate how good teenage Connor’s butt looks in his Mohawk clothes?”


August 21, 2014

“I have this weird fantasy in which Ezio and I are childhood friends and when we hit adolescence we ask each other about sex and what each other like to do and we end up masturbating ourselves in front of the other.”

Source (x)


September 9, 2013

I want to fuck young!Kanen’tó:kon while Connor stuffs his dick in my mouth

Image source: x.


August 19, 2013

‘I want to fuck teen!Connor’s mouth and cum all over his freckles.’


March 25, 2013

“I want teenage Connor to tie me on a tree, speak that nasty Mohawk language of his and the rest is his choice.”

cap credit: [x]


March 12, 2013

“I just want teenage Connor and me, having it sweet and gentle.”

Screencap Source: [x]

I usually do not fancy younger men. Lack of experience and all. However, this lovely boy is starting to change my mind. I would like to show him a real woman sometime. 😉

+ Fiora Cavazza