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May 16, 2018

Dear @threrorian

There is no need for apologies for not sending in confessions. However, I do apologise for what you are facing right now in your relationship, but don’t worry about it, you will come back stronger and trust me, there are more fish in the sea (who is as hot as Ezio or as pretty as Elise or as alluring as Jacob – I miss that boy! Or… As loving as Bayek!). My prayers are always with you and our other patrons. 

Take all the time you need and do come back when you feel better. We look forward to more of your confessions! 

~ Annetta, who has been missing as well.


Hello dear ladies! Did you miss me? I’m back to give you more confessions because I have so many ideas already in my mind. Maybe I get some inspiration from here when I have special fun with my man. Oh yes we have done it so many times that I can’t keep even count ;)

August 26, 2017

We’re glad to hear of your sexy adventures, though now I wonder if the bordello’s been any help at all 😉

Looking forward to your new confessions~ o((*^▽^*))o

~ Signora Paola


Not confession time but I’m actually thinking to stop confessing for awhile because I have now a boyfriend (who reminds me quite a lot of Arbaaz) and I have lots of things in my personal life going on right now. Also I need some new inspirations for my confessions but I can’t do that with that pressure which I’m under at the moment. So I just want to thank you ladies and I hope I could come back soon and contiune on confessing.

June 21, 2017

Oh my! 


Congratulations for you relationship 🙂 We wish you all the best luck and fortune and perfect harmony between you and your partner. Take care of yourself and remember to take a deep breath once in a while!

-The ladies of la Rosa in Fiore


Dear ladies. I have been wondering if you have seen the trailer for AC Origins? I’m pretty much hyped and I can say that Bayek looks quite hot with his muscles. I can’t wait for October to come! >_<

June 13, 2017

Our signora shared her thought about Bayek and Origins already!

I, for my part, am not excited yet. The trailer did not exactly convince me and I am a little bit shocked, that the map is going to be even BIGGER than Unity and Syndicate. I am a lazy person and big maps are just… tiring… 

Still its cool they’re trying to improve and honestly change the game setting and HUD! I like the skill tree for him and the eagle friend is amazing! 😀

Bayek looks quite nice to be honest, but I need to see what kind of assassin he is. Maybe this will change my mind 🙂

-Sister Teodora