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this is wonderful


I wrote this anonymously because I don’t want attention but please can you post this because it bothers me for quite a while. Tell me, other dear anons, why are you so shy to post smth dirty on the dirty blog? YOU POST THIS ANONYMOUSLY, so what’s the deal? Will you friends find out who you are or you afraid of some bad comments? As far as I know it really rear that someone says smth not very nice about confession. Please, just submit your confs or stories anonymously already! :D Don’t be shy! :)

February 10, 2016

Sweetheart, be assured, that this place is safe and there’s no need to turn on the anon-button, if you write such a wonderful, motivational and sweet message like this!

Please, everyone, who follows the blog (or not) and did not confess yet:

Do it! 

That’s what the anon-button is for! 😉

-Sister Teodora

My dear anon… I understand your encouraging words and trust me, I take them to heart, but sometimes people are just shy and simply prefer to enjoy the confessions of others. Of course, I encourage anyone who’s been feeling shy to send us a confession, but if you don’t send one we won’t mind at all.

Thank you for lovely words, amore!