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This is what happens when I’m on sugar high lmao


Holy….. That upshot of Jacob’s ass? It did things to me…. Wonderful…. Things. Is it possible to just get the pic on its own? For…. Science reasons. Yes…. Definitely that…

October 17, 2016

I posted two shots of it in my personal journal over here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*clears throat* Enjoy employing the wonders of science in the study of Jacob’s ass, my friend! Anything to get that degree in Bachelor of Science in Jacobology and graduate with flying colours, hmm? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  We at DACS University want our students to excel in their chosen field of expertise.

~ Signora Paola (who would’ve graduated summa cum laude on Connorology, but then she shifted degrees and is now laboriously… sweating on the very hard subjects taught in Jacobology)

P.S. Don’t even try asking my dear Claudia because she’s very busy handling her double majors

Truth be told, I’ve always been good at double majors. The amount of theory I then need to put to practice is the real benefit~
