Since I came back to rebuild @dirtyasscreedsecrets from the Great (Porn) Purge of 2019, I have seen a loss in followers. But ever since Tumblergo began censoring us, we’ve gained more instead. What a surprise!
We gained 10+ followers since the start of the censorship!
I guess it goes to show that you can’t stop us, Tumblergo~
Thank to all the new recruits! And please, pardon our dust. We are in the midst of rebuilding the Brotherhood if things get worse (we encourage you to check out our DACS Dreamwidth page for the time being). Nonetheless, we appreciate your support during these troubling times.
Vittoria Agli Assassini!
— Ezio
If we come up with code words for our dirty ones then Tumblr can’t censor us. I don’t mean things like pe**s or cucumber= penis. I’m talking like:
Penis= cupcake
Breasts= computer
“I would like to eat one of Ezio’s fresh homemade cupcakes”
“Looks like Evie needs some help getting my wifi on her new computer”
Yeah this is probably a bad idea…
Well, we do have a page dedicated to that called, “Ezio’s pene penne pasta”. Now, if only Tumblergo would stop censoring it…
It will be almost 1 week since I’ve sent my appeal. If I get nothing after that, then I will do the painful operation of moving all these confessions to the DACS Dreamwidth page.