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July 10, 2017

I bet Shay takes Haytham’s dick like a champ.

Confession by @thehalodiaries


June 29, 2017

‘I’d love to be a Colonial Templar and Shay’s girlfriend/lover… and I’d like Master Kenway to be our fuck buddy. These two are just too sexy and I want them to bang me. Or I could watch them bang each other. Or both. Yeah, both is good.’

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Confessions, Extended Confessions, Pairings, Secluded Haystack

April 1, 2016

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Confession [x]
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Confessions, Pairings

March 22, 2016

‘I want Haytham to pound Shay in the ass while I sit and watch, fingering myself, giving them a good show as they both watch me, Shay moaning like a whore as Haytham fucks him.

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February 24, 2016

‘I ship Shay x Haytham. I imagine them on the Morrigan, in the captain’s cabin, Haytham on his back on the bed and Shay riding him slowly but surely, Shay calling Haytham ‘Grand Master’, knowing it made him even more aroused, until they both come hard.

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Confessions, Extended Confessions, Pairings, Secluded Haystack

February 24, 2016

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Confession [x]

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Confessions, Pairings

February 21, 2016

“My ultimate fantasy is to walk in on Shay and Haytham having passionate sex and letting me watch. Once I’ve had my fill, Shay asks “are ya just gonna stand there and watch, or are ya gonna be a good lass and join us?” Who am I to turn them down?”


Confessions, Pairings

February 17, 2016

“I would pay good money to watch Haytham and Shay fuck each other senseless”.
