@queencaptainpissoff I mean, it’s better than being caught moaning his name while you’re playing with yourse–I mean, your game controller, isn’t it? 😜
~ Signora Paola
@queencaptainpissoff I mean, it’s better than being caught moaning his name while you’re playing with yourse–I mean, your game controller, isn’t it? 😜
~ Signora Paola
You know what would be awesome? If we had a little Jacob popping up on the lower right side of your browser screen whenever you’re about to read a confession about him again~
Then he’d go:
“Right, I see you’re reading a confession about me again. Would you like me to read this out loud for you? Oh, why am I even asking – of course you would!”
….Like Microsoft Word’s Clippy, only way, way less helpful (and perhaps a tad annoying to some people).
Ah, if only I could make this a real feature to this bordello.
~ Signora Paola (who’s totally rehashing the idea from this post ~/o/)
Oh, wow, thank you for leaving us a message! It’s hard to go through our notifications sometimes. ;^_^
And you’re very much welcome! I really loved it.(*´▽`*)
(To our patrons who are wondering about this Jacob fanvid, please watch it here.)
~ Signora Paola
@queencaptainpissoff wrote it! Please send her all the love and appreciation. ♥️ I really enjoyed that drabble, too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola