It only took several days and hundreds of bannings!
You can read about what is happening here, but be warned, it’s pretty fucking disgusting. With this information coming to light, I don’t really blame Tumblr for nuking their NSFW content. Essentially Tumblr became such a hotbed for illegal pornography that the industry standard bot that is supposed to catch images of that nature couldn’t catch these things. As in, the system used by most places that can host images wasn’t even good enough because Tumblr is a goddamn creep haven.
Yikes. Like……holy fucking yikes. So yeah, I’d nuke it from orbit as well.
However, this doesn’t bode well for NSFW blogs that follow the rules. Tags like “nsfw” “erotica” and so on have been blacklisted. I’m sure a ton of key phrases have been given the same treatment. It may be that blogs that are flagged as NSFW blogs may altogether be blacklisted at this point, and honestly? I don’t blame Tumblr at this point.
So there you have it. Tumblr is a cesspool and they’re trying to clean it up but I don’t know if they’re going to bounce back from this. This is…bad. Like, real bad.
Again, you should follow me everywhere else. I don’t think my blog is going anywhere, but in the big picture, this is probably a massive red flag that Tumblr as a social media platform has its days numbered.
I know, this is confession blog, but I HAVE to warn you. There is purge of NSFW Tumblr sites going on! Tumblr app isn’t available on Appstore and Google Play anymore. Many NSFW blogs are escaping on Twitter or other sites. Please, try to backup as many posts as possible. There is a chance if dirtyasscreedsecrets is marked as NSFW, it could be deleted! I don’t want to freak out, but you must be ready for everything. I wish you luck.
Thank you for the heads-up, @fildyscz! I am doing an export of the blog as I write this. I do understand Tumblr’s decision to strike down on NSFW blogs; it’s been increasingly aggravating to see “Hi guy, I’m here/Want to have fun? Click here” littered in the notes of many popular Tumblr posts, not to mention those NSFW posts that pop up when you do a search on popular search tags that aren’t even NSFW.
But if my experience in LiveJournal has taught me one thing, it’s really to prepare for the worst. I’ve actually been thinking about what the future of this blog will be, in the event that Tumblr dies and fandoms will migrate to another platform (because it will). Pillowfort seems like a promising option (since it was designed to address Tumblr’s weaknesses in mind), but it’s still in its beta stages, so it remains to be seen if most of the people using Tumblr for fandom interaction will move there.
Again, thank you for the heads-up! We really appreciate it ❤️
We have updated our rules yet again, as we received an incredibly high number of confessions that either involve the AC actors or even cross over confessions with actors/musicians/etc not involved in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. We understand how sexual fantasies about our beloved Assassins and Templars could have progressed to real existing people (oh my!). Perhaps some of us has experienced this in some form and never ever would we blame nor judge you for this.
Before we matched our rule to its current form, it existed only for the Assassin’s Creed Actors:
Now our rules looks like this:
To put it simply: We won’t accept confessions that involve real people. If it involves a fictional character from a movie, a TV show, et al. then we would accept it. For example:
A threesome with Steve Rogers and Connor Kenway = 👍😎😏 YES GOOD GOD BLESS AMERICA
A threesome with Chris Evans and Connor Kenway = 👎🙁😶 NOPE SORRY PLEASE COME AGAIN
We appreciate your attention to this matter and remind our rules we created for a comfy stay at La Rosa in Fiore.
my bad! I didn’t see this years statistical study of roleplay! oh wait! it doesn’t exist? where are these facts, honey?
I hope you don’t mind me adding my two cents here and hopefully Queen Brogen won’t mind the discourse – but this shit honestly has to stop. It sounds so incredibly sexist and as someone who predominantly plays male characters, I can’t help but disagree with you on every front. Female characters are seen as ‘weaker’ in development because muns have become willingly disposed to look over any fault of a male character and dub any fractures in characterization as negative or justified character development, whereas female muses will be seen as attention seeking or ship thirsty if their characters happen to be facing a downward trajectory in terms of goals and successes. There’s always going to be people who act as though female muses are lesser than male ones – whether it be the fortunate surplus of wonderful female muses featured on Tumblr or the established idea that female characters exists only to please or placate male or agender counterparts – and though shocking on a site that is so heavily influenced by gender equality, the fact of the matter is that targeted hate such as what you have subjected towards Brogen’s post is an integral aspect of a growing problem, and if you were truly interested in promoting character development among female muses you’d reach out to fellow muns and offer your support in lieu of criticism, which does yourself, your fellow writers (both male and female), and those around you little good. I am so fortunate to write with so many wonderful female muns and muses, and if for a second I thought that as a whole their development was weaker than those of the male blogs I follow, I would take a step back and evaluate how low I’ve stooped to even consider generalizing an entire gender’s writing and developmental abilities.
I wouldn’t mind if we have another Women’s March on this. I really don’t.
Somewhat related, but this also reminded us of the time when we had anons complain about the amount of confessions we get for male characters vs. female characters. If you want to see more confessions for female characters, then send them yourself instead of complaining about it. Help women get more recognition, especially in this fandom that’s already male-dominant. We all know how much female Assassins get brushed to the side compared to male Assassins.
Also, female character-oriented stories are always welcome on the Secluded Haystack!
The mentioned problem above is not a new one. Reposting and not giving proper credit drives every artist mad as hell. Just ask any artist you encounter.
This post is kind of a callout and a reminder to the lovely and beloved fandom we vowed to serve with our utmost might and dedication, because the Assassin’s Creed fandom is known to repost a lot without doing proper crediting.
You find a fanart/edit/fanwork of choice/etc. and love it to bits! This is great and we are happy to see how much appreciation the artist gets.
Yet there’s a problem: How to show it.
Well, actually it isn’t. It is super simple. Give the original post from the artist a heart, a reblog or a redirection link via Twitter or anything similar. Do save the fanwork, use it for private matters like a desktop wallpaper or some sorts.
But there’s a hidden, yet obvious rule among artists and their followers: Do not repost.
If you found the picture on a fanblog that did not credit the fanwork as well, then do a reverse Google Image search (it’s super easy)! Like so:
The results will likely give you the source you’re looking for. However, if you can’t find the source, then you can ask anyone active on Tumblr about it. You may even ask us! We’re always willing to help other fans out!
Now there’s another reason why we made this mod post: We have observed a few of our followers, fans and sinners, and found not only our confessions but also art from the admins themselves reposted, heavily edited without proper credit either on fan blogs here on Tumblr or even on Instagram.
As you may imagine, we are quite disappointed about this. Our edits may be simple confessions, but having to see them reposted elsewhere is perturbing, even more so when it’s an actual fanart by us and we see them re-edited to fit the reposter’s needs.
Therefore we have laid down a few guidelines for those that cherish the editing the admins here on the DACS do:
Do not repost
Do not re-edit **If you only wish to get a copy of the original screenshot we used for the edit because you wish to edit it yourself, and you don’t see a credit link, you are very much welcome to leave us a message and ask us about it. We will happily share it with you!
If you still decide to ignore our plea:
Please post a proper link back to this blog.
The link isn’t difficult.
It’s still
Simple as that.
We know we can’t control the urges of people to repost elsewhere, so we only wish that at the very least, please give a proper credit and link back to this blog.
First of all thank you for your sweet, sweet words, anonimo!
Now, self loathing doesn’t get you anywhere. We know some times it feels like you can get out of whatever it is that’s pull you down, but you can’t give into it. If this blog makes you happy and Connor makes you happy, then visit it as many times as you want and send in all the Connor confessions your mind creates! You will feel better and you can press on. Fight the good fight! I’m certain Connor would think just the same, dear.
I haven’t seen one of these for demisexuals yet and as your ace brother I’d like to spread some positivity so:
You are still valid as a demisexual if you look at porn/masturbate as well as if you don’t
You are still valid as a demisexual if sex doesn’t really interest you
A close emotional bond is the condition in which sexual attraction MAY occur- if you have a close emotional bond with someone or many people who you do not find sexually attractive then you are still valid as a demisexual
You may call yourself ace as a demisexual as you are part of the asexual umbrella
As a demisexual you have just as much right to be a part of the ace community as gray aces and asexuals
Thank you 🙂 this has been a demisexual positivity post! Stay awesome, Demi friends! Please feel free to add other important points of positivity to the list as you reblog.
We know many of you have finals approaching, or already over you, so we asked our cari assassini for some tips to help you pass your tests. Here they are:
Numero uno: Edward clearly states that you shouldn’t go drinking too much, like he does.
Numero due: Jacob reminds you not to nag your classmates, or siblings, while they study.
Numero tre: Haytham insists that you shouldn’t study so much, because then you’ll feel very tired.
Numero quattro: Arno wants you to know that time management is the key to succeeding.
Numero cinque: Altair says to never run away from your responsibilities.
Numero sei: Connor says you need to tell that test who really is the boss.
Numero sette: Shay insists that you need to let go of all doubt and take a leap of faith.
Numero otto: Evie tells you that sometimes you have to remind others how serious these tests are…
Numero nove: Ezio advises you not to buckle under pressure and to always keep cool
And finally
Numero diece:Most importantly, never forget that your friends and your loved ones are always there to support you. Never forget that we at La Rosa in Fiore are here to assist you. We are all in this together!
Listen here, friend. Don’t you ever feel like your sexual experience is “less significant” just because it doesn’t match some wild fantasy made up by others. Every sex is different. Some will leave you feeling light-headed and exhaused and completely happy; some might make you wish you didn’t do it because it was so bland and frankly terrible. And you know what? It’s up for you to decide how far you are willing to go.
Honestly, I think “passing out” is an exaggeration, hyperbolical speaking, much like “15-inch dick” and “an entire statue up my bum”. It’s not suposed to be realistic, and if it happens, it might be a warning sign that you should check your health (probably some blood pressure issue or something, idk I’m not a doctor).
Don’t ever let yourself feel inadequate because of some imaginary flaw. Sex is not a competition. #EveryOrgasmMatters