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Pairing: Altair x Ezio

Confessions, Pairings

January 13, 2022

‘My beloved pairing is still Ezio/Altair. It looks beautiful, and cute, and perfect in all. Both are so good looking! Similar, but not 100% doubles. Introvert and extrovert. Their relations will be hot and gentle at the same type. No abuse. They are connected. I would love to see their sex on one of many roofs after running on rooftops. If those two climb onto my balcony, I will die of happiness.’

Confessions, Pairings

April 2, 2017

‘I want to watch Ezio and Altair have wild sex. I bet Ezio would make the best Orgasm face while he’s being taken from behind by Altair ❤


February 14, 2016

“While I fully support Altair being dom, I think he would make an exception for Ezio. If anyone could make Altair sub, it would be the Italian Stallion. Altair would be grudging about allowing someone to be dom over him, but secretly like that it was Ezio”.

Art drawn by doubleleaf