Truthfully, I am pleased that we’ve got a couple of Jacob confessions inspired by it. Now that is how you inspire sinning. 😏
I’m not sure if you’ve seen the video already, but here it is. That 📦 is a 🎁

~ Signora Paola
Truthfully, I am pleased that we’ve got a couple of Jacob confessions inspired by it. Now that is how you inspire sinning. 😏
I’m not sure if you’ve seen the video already, but here it is. That 📦 is a 🎁
~ Signora Paola
There are not enough anime blushing GIFs to fully show what I’m feeling right now
~ Signora Paola (whose productivity level would be reduced to 1% today)
I might’ve bitten more than I could chew when I answered this ask. 😭 But as the Madame of this establishment I feel that it is my responsibility to do an extensive research.
To make it simple I will categorise the Assassins in three groups: The Narrator, The Director, or The Switch. Simply put: Narrator – the one who describes what’s happening; Director – the one who tells you what to do, and; Switch – the one who can go both ways depending on their mood. 😉
With that said… *clears throat*
Desmond: Director. He says things such as “Yes, just like that” or “Bite me here.” If he’s feeling especially excited his vocabulary would be reduced to repeating his words.
Altaïr: Director. Of all the Assassins I think he’s the master at giving orders in the bedroom. 😉 He’s the type who would preface his dirty talk with, “Here’s what I want you to do: (*starts listing off what he wants*)”
Ezio: Switch. He can be both a Director and a Narrator in one night. One moment he’s going to tell you to take off your clothes, the next he’s going to describe in very explicit detail how you look like. ;D
Connor: Narrator. He loves to describe everything he feels. He’s not always been this way; it took some coaxing from you for him to “get out of his shell” so to speak. A favourite of his would be, “You taste so good” and “You feel amazing.”
Aveline: Switch. She wants to keep you guessing as to what “persona” she would take for the night. But I think she’s really good as a Director because I can see her being very domineering.
Edward: Switch, although more of the Director type. Unsurprisingly, his vocabulary is littered with curses. He’s also the type who would go, “I want to hear you scream my name by the time I’m done with you.”
Adéwalé: Narrator. He loves giving you compliments, how lovely your skin looks when it’s all reddened with arousal and how perfect your buttocks feel in his hands ;D
Shay: Director. He would ask you to touch yourself, show him the places that give you the greatest pleasure. If he finds out that you masturbate when he’s not around he would also ask you to show him as well.
Arno: Narrator. Like Adéwalé he would tell you how beautiful you look. Watch out when he starts getting real dirty though. He would say something like, “I love the way you sound like when I’m doing this to you.”
Evie: Director, with a minor streak of Narrator when the mood strikes her. She is a woman who knows exactly what she wants. She will order you around, but she’s also the type who would go, “I love how excited you get when I talk to you like this.”
Jacob: Switch. Like Ezio he can be both in one night. As a Director he’s the type to go, “You like that, don’t you?” When he’s in Narrator mode, though… watch out. If Altaïr is the master of giving orders in the bedroom, Jacob is the master of commenting how good it feels.
*wipes sweat from her brow* I believe I may need to lie down a bit after answering all that.
~ Signora Paola (someone send her smelling salts please because she might faint any moment now)
@dirtyasscreedsecrets I think this is a video for your blog. XD
I see your 90′s sex song and raise you another ;D
Molto grazie for sharing, my friend! (*⌒∇⌒*)
~ Signora Paola (who, thanks to the song in the video, is now reminded to answer those messages in the inbox asking how each Assassin gives dirty talk)