Well, when your muse looks like this you either go big or go home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank you for reading, dear! ♥
~ Signora Paola
Well, when your muse looks like this you either go big or go home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank you for reading, dear! ♥
~ Signora Paola
Anon, I am currently writing the longer version of The Phone Call (and oh boy, has it become way too long because I’m well over 5K words right now ._.). Considering that I still have a couple of prompts to consider it might take me a while to write it. XD; But who knows what kind of inspiration the Muse™ will give me. 8D
@nerdiebeauty I wasn’t sure if you wanted your ask to be a confession or not, so I’ll just say one thing: Do confess your sins. You know you want to. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola
@nerdiebeauty @themoustachedgamer We’re certain that the author would very much pleased to hear your very kind words! And I think there are a few more, ehem, coming. We have one simmering in the Haystack right now, and a little bird informed me that they’re planning to to write one as well. ;D
Grazie mille!
~ Signora Paola (who wonders what would happen if “Father” Jacob is left in charge of the confessionals here)
Thank you for your thoughtful message, my dear! I’m certain @nerdiebeauty would be so delighted to see it.
Oh, indeed, I think older Jacob would be gentler, too. And definitely more patient. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Someone please warm him up already~
~ Signora Paola
@nerdiebeauty and @ellestrix I have my Fangirl Survival Kit™ ready at all times, especially after what happened last January. And I think the writers – or at least some of them – already know of this blog’s existence. Can’t believe it’s only been two months since That Week™ happened – to which I would unofficially give the name To Boldly Go Where No Voice Actor Has Gone Before (because I’m a Star Trek nerd)
To dear Anonymous, I have a very strong feeling that this has already happened. As to the identities of these sneaky Assassins (or even Templars *dundundun*) only time will tell if they would reveal themselves.
~ Signora Paola
I only see one in the queue (due to post 3 days from now) and I’m not seeing any further WIPs from the other mods with your username on it, so it’s likely that the other one didn’t go through or perhaps it has been posted already.
We do have a full queue and it doesn’t seem to go less than 30 posts these days. The moment it goes below 50, it slowly gets filled up again with more confessions. The queue is still posting 12 confessions a day, although I just dialled it back in to 10 because it’s taking us a little longer to add new ones. I’ll bring it back to 12 when we’ve caught up.
It’s funny because this is really the first time we’re dealing with a rather bloated queue. Mia cara Claudia and I were just reminiscing about the good ol’ days, but that would be for another post. 😉
Grazie for your patience!
~ Signora Paola
@inaramara would be very much delighted to hear your comments! It hit me all in the feels when I was reading, too. ♥️
~ Signora Paola
@queencaptainpissoff wrote it! Please send her all the love and appreciation. ♥️ I really enjoyed that drabble, too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola
Judging from this confession and the number of notes it has, you are one of many
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola
Awww, thank you so much for your kind words! Me right now
Imagine what I went through writing that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola (who died a few times, wondered wtf she was doing, thought about confessing to a real priest, then did a leap of sin faith while working on that drabble)