Hello, @missbenzayb! We are still here, but barely hanging on. Tumblr has censored this blog for the time being. We are trying to get @dirtyasscreedsecrets to become visible again. If Tumblr doesn’t approve my appeal, then DACS will be to be moved to our Dreamwidth account.
It is a miracle that this bordello has survived this long. The Great (Porn) Purge of 2019 affected our bordello very much, but we are still hanging on! Thank you for being a wonderful patron! 💖
If you can, be sure to check out our more memorable pages, such as the ‘Porn Star Status’ page for more Paul Amos shenanigans, and my personal favourite, ‘Ezio’s Pene Penne Pasta’. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(And if you can’t view them, don’t worry. Paola and I will figure out a way to transfer all of these to the DACS Dreamwidth site.)
~ Ezio