It was written by the lovely @madamretto! (‘∀’●)♡ I’m very certain she’s going to be so happy to hear your very kind words!
~ Signora Paola
It was written by the lovely @madamretto! (‘∀’●)♡ I’m very certain she’s going to be so happy to hear your very kind words!
~ Signora Paola
This is for the anon who sent us this message. ♥️
I personally am thinking of a sort of Evie companion piece to the one I just wrote. 😉
~ Signora Paola
You see, dearest anon? There’s no need to be afraid! We will be here cheering for you and your work~
~ Signora Paola
Just imagine vampiric Frye twins stalking the rooftops at night to find their next meal~
~ Signora Paola (who would make a fanart of this if she had the time)
I couldn’t have put it better myself. Grazie for your motivational message, @madamretto!
~ Signora Paola
As someone who has listened to a plethora of BL audio dramas (the really explicit kind even) I can assure you that even with that kind of ‘experience’ under my belt I still found myself wanting to take a very cold shower after listening to that.
~ Signora Paola (who needs to go confess her own sins again)
Oh, yes, I am excited as well, but I’m also a little nervous. That Unforgettable Week™ is still imprinted on my mind, frankly. I think I may need to start checking up on my fangirl survival kit* just in case.
~ Signora Paola
(* consists of a pitcher of ice cold water, a bar of dark chocolate, a Venti-sized coffee, a huge pillow to shriek into and possibly a box of tissues)
I actually had to research a bit on how to give a proper sensual caning. You know, for science.
That said, it’s gonna take a while before your confession appears, though. It seems that every time the queue goes below 100 entries it gets filled up again a few days later. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola
There are a couple more bottom!Jacob confessions in our queue (including one very interesting threesome involving Jacob being sandwiched between two male Assassins oh my), but we certainly wouldn’t mind adding more (and the more variety the better 8D)
~ Signora Paola (who’s incidentally now imagining Jacob as Tuxedo Mask thanks to that gif)
I’m very happy to hear that you like it, my friend! And I’m sure that the anonimo who submitted it would be very much pleased to hear your positive feedback. 😀
Again, I’m encouraging everyone to submit their own extended confessions. <3
~ Signora Paola (who would likely submit her own too ;D)