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Hello, ladies! I hope some of you still remember me. I was absent for a while depriving myself from the blog but what matters now that I’m here and I’m ready to sin again! :D And for those who knows my confessions you can imagine what’s coming XD The main difference is that my dirty mind is full of other characters from the game apart from Jacob and I’m gonna use it in order to create some naughty confessions for you :) What I’m trying to say that I’ve missed you and I’m back, my lovely sinners!

March 28, 2017

Ben tornata, my dear! It is good to have you back! While I completely understand our patrons moving on and leaving the bordello to pursue other fandoms/interests – even several of our mods have done so! – it always brings me happiness to see one of our loyal patrons coming back to the fold. I cannot wait to see what confessions you have in mind, especially since they are about other characters. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) I’m sure Jacob wouldn’t mind because he knows he’s the reason why you got all down and dirty for him in a confessions blog.

~ Signora Paola


October 31, 2016

Grazie mille for your kind words, @madamretto! You have been one of our most loyal patrons and it is no surprise that around 20% of Jacob’s confessions are yours!  It makes us wonder if there is someone else who has confessed more than you. Certainly not any of us mods! 😉

With the number of confessions Jacob got (and is still getting) we think that it is inevitable that not every one of those would be satisfying to you. We all have our preferences – and that’s okay! What’s most important is Jacob and all of the AC characters have inspired us and are instrumental in making us understand our sexuality more. We think a lot of our silent patrons are still very shy in confessing their dirty thoughts even in the guise of anonymity, but we think that for every patron like you who confess without shame they would be emboldened to come out and make their own confessions as well! So, we thank you very much – and everyone else who has shared with us – for not only supporting the bordello, but also for inspiring other people!

Here’s to more confessions!


~ From all of us at La Rosa in Fiore


I don’t know whether you will post it or not, but I would like to say huge thank you for @echydna, @clehjett and Paola who inspire me with their confessions and prove to me that this blog can still surprise me with some good material that is so unique and arousing to be honest ;) Seeing your confessions are like Christmas to me :D You never repeat yourselves and this is awesome! Thank you! I love you <3 (P.S. Just noticed that there are some new music in the playlist of the blog, very cool! :) )

August 29, 2016

Grazie di cuore, my friend! I don’t know if I can speak for @echydna and @clehjett, but it can be a little challenging for me to write a confession that’s new and fresh. Especially if it’s about Jacob who has over 800 confessions now (any bets when he’d reach 1K?), oh my goodness. I also feel like it’s my responsibility to keep people inspired, so if it means sending in my own confessions and spending some time writing it, then I would happily do it. ♥

Again, thank you very much for your kind words! And yes, Signore Ezio added more wonderful music! Oh, and as a reminder to our patrons, if you wish to listen to the La Rosa in Fiore’s playlist in Spotify, here is the link! (We also have other playlists listed in Secluded Haystack (‘∀’●)♡)

~ Signora Paola


I’ve just visited the tag lists and I must say a huge thank you to Paola who worked so hard doing this beautiful site even more beautiful! It upsets me that people continue asking dull questions and wasting mods’ time instead of looking through those well-done guidelines that Paola made! (o^ ^o) You never cease to amaze me with you skills in designing and your dedication to this blog! I hope everybody thinks the same. I love all of you, girls, but I had to say it personally to Paola! ( ´∀`)ノ~~~♡

June 22, 2016

Grazie mille, my friend! It’s nice to see the actual blog appreciated. I say “actual blog” because I don’t consider the one that people see in the Tumblr app as the REAL one. The problem with the app is it completely deprives anyone of the blog’s full features.

Why did I mention the Tumblr app at all, you may ask. Because we are beginning to highly suspect that most (if not all) people who send us questions already addressed in our FAQ or even our own rules have likely only browsed our blog with the Tumblr app. The recent census results have already proven that there is a very high majority of people using their mobile devices to browse the blog, and it’s very likely that most of them are using the app (and not using their web browsers).

It is extremely disheartening, to be honest, because as someone who has designed websites for nearly 20 years now I’m very particular with how a website should be experienced. I’ll do everything to make sure that the website I’ve designed is cross-browser friendly, etc. But the app completely deprives me of this. I cannot control a user’s experience and make it optimal for them. We are basically under the mercy of Tumblr itself because the app severely limits our options.

Which is why we have done all we can to make sure that the app users are aware of our subpages. Those “Got a question?” and “On Mobile?” links you see aren’t just there for decoration. We added them there because that’s the only way we can have our app users see what they’re missing.

And I’m not even including the fact that using the app completely deprives anyone of certain other features – like our birthday reminder script, and even our music player. You can’t even use nifty extras like xKit with the app!

Ah, I’ve rambled way too much. I apologise! ;^_^ This is really a problem for us. I believe we are not alone when we say that the Tumblr app needs a LOT of work to be even at par on how we view Tumblr and its blogs with actual computers.

Grazie, and thank you so much for reading!
~ Signora Paola


I want to thank Teodora for delivering those sweet gifts to the actors (I wish I knew what their letters are about) and also send a lot of love to dear Paola who has been working (and is working) so hard to make this blog feel like home! Other ladies too! (*^ω^)八(⌒▽⌒)八(-‿‿- )ヽI still would like to see how they read our confessions XD Teodora, you have such a lovely German accent (ᵔ.ᵔ). So this is a HUGE THANK YOU from me, your loyal patron! (♡゚▽゚♡) I follow only this one blog for a reason (◡‿◡♡)

June 7, 2016

Molto grazie, for your message uvu)/

I am still proud and absolutely stunned by the fact, that I got the honor to represent the DACS on the MCM – in one way or another!

Paola did a wonderful job and the rest of the team did their best as well (we all paid for the autograms for the upcoming DACS special).

A friend of mine recorded the panel, where Kris and Paul read the confession. I will hopefully reblog it soon on the blog!

Anyway, thanks again for your message and yes, my German accent was really strong in the video, but later when I ran around with @ticklingmyfancies it got better XD

-Sister Teodora


March 26, 2016

Now, now, we can just agree that we all have different tastes and our tastes are dictated by our favourite character, yes? And like I said – all the Assassins have lovely butts. How can they not when they constantly climb buildings and scale walls, hmm?

~ Signora Paola

Secluded Haystack

I must thank the Haystack writers for both Evie Frye confessions… Because they definitely made me a lover of hers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

March 17, 2016

I’m certain both @grandma0350 & @madamretto will appreciate your kind words, amore!  And I’m very glad you enjoy our extended confessions site!

Also, Signorina Frye sends her regards…



Secluded Haystack

Your drabble is great, @nerdiebeauty! As a non-virgin I can tell that you did everything right ;) It was a pleasure to read it. As much as I love wild and rough Jacob, I like to read something vanilla as well sometimes :) And extra 10 points for you for using older Jacob. I always imagine that he would be gentler than his younger version. So, no need to worry, my dear. It has been writen perfectly! Well done! I want to see more of your works <3

March 12, 2016

Thank you for your thoughtful message, my dear! I’m certain @nerdiebeauty would be so delighted to see it.

Oh, indeed, I think older Jacob would be gentler, too. And definitely more patient. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Someone please warm him up already~

~ Signora Paola


March 10, 2016

(Watch the video here)

Sooooooo… are we all in agreement that not only is Closer Jacob’s stripper song, but is pretty much our theme song for him as well? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Excellent work by the vidder, btw! May I know their Tumblr username so I may be able to credit properly? 😀

~ Signora Paola


Can I just say thank you to new lady Fiora of this blog? Dear, you are doing an amazing job! :) It’s clear that you are not an amateur and that you take your job seriously. I’m glad that you are here with us. Keep it up! I like your editing <3 *hugs*

February 28, 2016

grazie mille, caro Dolcezza! I’ve been so happy to help out and it’s all the sweeter that my efforts are being enjoyed. This message really made my day, Dolcezza. Grazie di nuovo!

♡ Fiora