‘Since Ratonhnhaké:ton was a man of simple pleasures, I decided to just make him an extra nice dinner, with a cake to follow, and certainly something fantastic after. As I mix the whipped cream, trying not to think too much about where else I could put it, I hear Connor come into the room. He sets his chin on my shoulder, “Everything smells wonderful,” he whispers. I feel his arm reach around my waist and out of the corner of my eye see him stick a finger in my bowl. Connor steps away quickly at my squeek of annoyance and licks his finger clean slower than is strictly necessary. I bop him on the nose with my spoon, “No more of that.” I can’t help but giggle at how ridiculous he looks with the cream on his face and a little grin, so I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his nose. He hums, “Now you’ve got it on your face,” then leans forward to kiss me, slowly at first, but it’s not long before it becomes passionate with me lying on the table. We both got dessert early that evening, and none of that whipped cream goes on the cake.’
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