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Kink: Food Play


April 4, 2017

‘Since Ratonhnhaké:ton was a man of simple pleasures, I decided to just make him an extra nice dinner, with a cake to follow, and certainly something fantastic after. As I mix the whipped cream, trying not to think too much about where else I could put it, I hear Connor come into the room. He sets his chin on my shoulder, “Everything smells wonderful,” he whispers. I feel his arm reach around my waist and out of the corner of my eye see him stick a finger in my bowl. Connor steps away quickly at my squeek of annoyance and licks his finger clean slower than is strictly necessary. I bop him on the nose with my spoon, “No more of that.” I can’t help but giggle at how ridiculous he looks with the cream on his face and a little grin, so I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his nose. He hums, “Now you’ve got it on your face,” then leans forward to kiss me, slowly at first, but it’s not long before it becomes passionate with me lying on the table. We both got dessert early that evening, and none of that whipped cream goes on the cake.’

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April 3, 2017

‘For Connor’s birthday I would take the cake to the bed. Or forget the cake, the whipped cream would be just enough. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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April 3, 2017

‘For Connor’s birthday, I would invite him to my house at the Homestead for a nice home cooked dinner, then for dessert, I would lay on the bed, some birthday cake covering a very warm and aroused part of my body. I will gladly have a taste of him afterwards.

Confession [@thatbellagaze]
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March 29, 2017

‘I would love it if I got to watch Jacob exercise shirtless. He’s sweating, panting, his hair is a bit messy. We have our foreplay; I slather oil or whipped cream all over his body and lick it off. I want him to shiver with pleasure and have uncontainable sounds escape his mouth when I grind and lick in the right places. I want to fuck him so good and hear those wonderful, satisfying moans of his. Another night, it would be amazing of him to treat me to lovebites and sucking my dick until I come.


March 24, 2017

‘I want to do something kinky with Arno 😉 I want him to blindfold me with that red sash he uses as a cravat. I want him to cut away my clothes with his Hidden Blade and fancy court swords. I want him to tie me to the bedposts of his bed, and spank me, and leave reddened kiss marks trailing down my body. I want him to lick sugar creme icing off my tits and eat strawberries off my pussy, lapping up stray drops of juice.’


March 19, 2017

‘I cover my boobs in chocolate then I sit on Evie’s lap. “It’s desert time, honey.” I’d die watching her licking me and biting on my nip, tickling me with her lips and just stuffing her mouth with my boobs and giving me love bites and breathy moans.’


March 13, 2017

Desmond is thirty this year, and still as hot as ever. Happy birthday, babe. Let’s celebrate by eating cake off each other~

Confession by @julia-aka-dadmondmiles
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March 3, 2017

Crawford Starrick licking cold Earl Grey from my breasts. Hmmm new tea just for him.

Confession by @threrorian
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February 15, 2017

‘I’d love nothing more than to pamper the shit out of Connor for Valentine’s Day. I’d enjoy tying him down, covering him from head to foot in something sticky and sweet, and then removing it all with my tongue. It would make for an unexpected, pleasurable end to a long day of training, I think.

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February 13, 2017

‘For Valentine’s Day, to celebrate just how sweet I think he is, I’d love to slather honey all over Connor’s chest and thighs and lick him clean~ 👅 👅’

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