‘I want to lick sweet sticky things off Ezio and Connor… And salty alcohol things off Eddie.’
‘I wish to eat noodles off Desmond‘s hot body and lick up his “special sauce.”‘
‘I just bought a jar of Nutella and nothing craves me more than spread some of it on Ezio’s glorious penis and lick it off 😜. I’m sure Signore Auditore would’ve love a lick of it from my vertical lips 😏.’
‘I have just the birthday gift for Connor: me, covered in nothing but whipped cream and strawberries. Who needs a birthday cake? This is much, much, more delicious and I think the birthday man would agree!’
confession [@thatbellagaze]
‘Something about smearing some vanilla icing on the tip of Shay’s cock and sucking it clean speaks to me. HBD Shay!’
All I want for Easter is Jacob Frye. He would be expecting me with nothing but a bowl of chocolate in his hands. He would take off my clothes slowly, talking about how much he loves my body, before pouring some of the chocolate over my breasts and start licking it. After I had cleaned them with his lips, he would create a sweet sweeping path down my belly to my pussy, starting to suck me and taking me to the edge, giving me the most incredible orgasm of my life.
To counteract the favor, I would dip his fingers into the chocolate, wiping them with my lips, before pouring a little over his dick, licking it before starting to suck it. I would let him cum in my mouth and then he would pull me into a kiss, taking us into the bedroom and throwing me on the bed. He would hold my hair, keeping my face on the mattress and my butt up, penetrating me slowly, before whispering in my ear “this will be a long night, my Bunny.”
(Hi, this is my first confession… But, I hope it’s not the last. Sorry for something wrong or my poor english, I’m brazilian girl, insecure and using the google translator. See you later, dear sisters.)
Artwork [@themasterassassin]
Your confession is perfectly fine, my dear! We apologise if this took a while to be posted. It was meant to be an Easter confession, but since we only received it on the day itself we couldn’t queue it on time. That’s why we always encourage people to submit their date-specific confessions like birthdays and other holidays a few days before. We always post on queue, so we prefer it when we can schedule confessions like this on a timely manner.
~ Signora Paola
‘For Valentine’s Day I want Connor in his wolf furs smirking like his forefathers while I gather the chocolate, and whipped cream for our “picnic” in a lesser known clearing. After he sheds his furs, I pour hot fudge on his stomach and dip the strawberries into it. He keeps groaning, like that’ll convince me to share. Considering the fudge is going everywhere now, I guess I’m just going to have to lick it off.’
Confession [@percythebitchwitch]
‘Dating Connor and Jacob is amazing! I wasn’t expecting them to go all out in Valentine’s Day this year; but they really took the cake, quite literally! When I get home, I see a huge cake with roses and hearts on it. Suddenly both Assassins pop out of the cake, wearing something out of Magic Mike. “Happy Valentine’s day Darling, why don’t we get you to bed?” Jacob said. “After we get cleaned up that is,” Connor added. “Let’s make sure we use the cake,” I smirked, as we started one hell of a night.’
Confession [@thepalaceofmelanie]
‘Connor and Ratonhnhaké:ton. Taking a bath in chocolate. And they say I have a sweet tooth…. Forget the box of chocolates this Valentine’s Day. This is all I need. Right here. And yes, I did intentionally list both names for a reason. I am that insatiably hungry ;)’
Confession [@thatbellagaze]
‘Birthday sex with Ezio will be fucking delightful…he can spray whipped cream all over me so he can have his cake.’