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Oh I wonder if Arno’s confession rate had increased! I feel obligated to bring him up to the top 5 list..

June 25, 2017

His confession count increased indeed (I can’t find the post with the latest count right now) but if I counted correctly, he should have around 308 confessions at the moment. Therefore its far from being enough to kick Jacob from his first place but (!) he is on a good way to go. Still he has less than Connor, if I remind correctly.

-Sister Teodora.


Not a confession Adorians, but am I the last one who JUST happened to spot bae in AC movie??? Any one else?

March 23, 2017

Who else belatedly saw Arno in the movie? ;D

Tbh I had to squint a few times because the movie theatre I watched it in had a somewhat dark screen and I thought I was just seeing things.

Has the Blue-ray/DVD been released already? /is completely out of the loop It’d be lovely to have great screenshots from the movie. 😉

~ Signora Paola


January 4, 2017

Arno and I have been classmates in law school and we recently got close during the break. Now that we’re in 2nd year we’re pretty much lost in all the subjects and cases. Instead of trying to catch up, we play “try not to moan” games in class

