I know we mentioned them a while back, but we would like to mention this again as we are now officially partnered with Dirty BioWare Confessions!! We’ve added them to our ‘allies’ list, and you can go visit them anytime.
They accept dirty secrets from any of the Bioware games:
- Baldur’s Gate
- Dragon Age
- Jade Empire
- Mass Effect
- MDK2
- Neverwinter Nights
- Shattered Steel
- Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
- Star Wars: Knights of the OId Republic
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- And whatever else we missed on this list lol
So whatever effects your mass…masters your taint…pops your heat sink…licks your lamp-post in winter…whatever dirty fantasies you have, send it over to @dirtybiowareconfessions! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(P.S. Shameless plug, but Connor’s voice actor, @thenoahwatts, has been playing Mass Effect recently…you can go watch him right now and help him conquer Noveria on his channel, :P)
– from all of us at Rosa in Fiore