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is that Arya from Game of Thrones flicking at me?


Every time that ‘Notorious’ song comes up on the DACS blog playlist, I feel like I’m going to be detected any time now by whomever else is around to look over my shoulder and see me reading dirty secrets ╚(•⌂•)╝ I feel like I’m an undercover pervert, huehue *shot*

March 23, 2016

If you ever find yourself being detected stay cool and be smooth under fire like Signore Auditore right here


(And you can always use the “I’m doing this for a social experiment. It’s for science!” reason if you get caught huehue)

~ Signora Paola

Ah si si, be just be smooth and cool like me, anonimo~

And if you do get caught too soon, just do this to that person:


Eh, just be careful to not fall by accident…

– Ezio Auditore