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I swear to God the fact that they both have English accents

Confessions, Crossovers, Uncategorized

March 26, 2018

Jacob and I are very committed to each other, but that doesn’t mean our bed isn’t welcome to someone else. The only problem is, we haven’t really found someone who we’re both attracted to and would very much want to share between ourselves.

That is, until we both meet Ignis. I find myself drawn to his intelligence and how calculated he is. I never expected Jacob to like him at all; Ignis does share some qualities with Evie, whom Jacob never really worked well with. But I was surprised when he admitted that he was attracted to him as well.

“I want to see that perfect hair ruined and that body sweaty in our bed,” Jacob reveals as we watch Ignis quietly go about his business. “I bet he’s a real freak.”

I nod, licking my bottom lip. “I want to see him *ruined*, period. A guy like him has got to have a lot of pent-up emotion bubbling inside,” I add in a hushed tone.

Jacob smirks when Ignis glances at us. He makes sure to maintain eye contact with the other man when he leans down to press his lips against my ear. “You up for a game, love?” he whispers, nibbling on the sensitive shell. The action dazes me for a second, and I bite my lip, a moan escaping me unbidden.

“G-game? I reply throatily. Ignis keeps staring at us, his eyes clear even through his glasses.

We each play ‘The Desecration of Iggy’, see what makes him lose that precious control.“

I snort softly at the name. So we seduce him separately. That’s unfair. You’re a little ahead of that game, Jacob.

Don’t be too sure. I’ve seen how he looks at you. He leans further down then and nips my neck.

I gasp at the sensation. Are you sure you want to do this?

Jacob hums in agreement and starts sucking on the sensitive skin. My eyes flutter, but I refuse to close them. Ignis is still watching us and I’m unable to break his gaze. The man frowns slightly, those green eyes almost hawklike; why do I get the feeling that he already *knows* what we’re planning?

I find myself turned on at the thought.

For the next several weeks we play our game. Whereas Jacob preferred to use more physical ways to seduce Ignis (sly gazes, soft touches, bending over while wearing his tightest pants), I would instead use words, carefully crafted to provoke a response from him. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work. Ignis never fails to be composed and formal to both of us, rebuffing us gently but with authority.

I’m utterly convinced that Ignis is just not attracted to us until one night when I come home to find Jacob tied up on our bed, a gag around his mouth, and a plug seated deep inside his ass. For a moment I wonder how in the world Jacob managed to tie himself up until I feel an arm curling around my waist, pulling me roughly against a warm solid frame. You’re late. I gasp when I hear Ignis’ deep purr.

That night, Jacob and I finally discover what makes Ignis lose his precious control. And it involves him watching both of us fuck each other while taking orders from him, and eventually him fucking Jacob while Jacob is inside me. Because *of course* he gets off from controlling others in bed.