I miei amori! It is I, Claudia, at your service! After a long journey and many hardships I have returned once again to this, our beloved Bordello.

I have already done a few things for you, my dears:
1. The music player has been updated with more soothing music, including some from AC: Origins. Do let me know if you like them or want more added.
2. The Porn Star Status has been updated and, my oh my, you been very, very naughty while I’ve been gone. Please, do take a look~
3. The Characters’ Tag List has also been updated with the following:
Apollodorus the Sicilian- Darim Ibn La’Ahad
- George Westhouse
- Gérald Blanc
- Il Dottore
- Layla Hassan
- Thomas de Carneillon
As always, we eagerly await your confessions, sins and secrets; just remember to read our rules and check our FAQ. Keep sinning!