We know many of you have finals approaching, or already over you, so we asked our cari assassini for some tips to help you pass your tests. Here they are:
Numero uno: Edward clearly states that you shouldn’t go drinking too much, like he does.

Numero due: Jacob reminds you not to nag your classmates, or siblings, while they study.

Numero tre: Haytham insists that you shouldn’t study so much, because then you’ll feel very tired.

Numero quattro: Arno wants you to know that time management is the key to succeeding.

Numero cinque: Altair says to never run away from your responsibilities.

Numero sei: Connor says you need to tell that test who really is the boss.

Numero sette: Shay insists that you need to let go of all doubt and take a leap of faith.

Numero otto: Evie tells you that sometimes you have to remind others how serious these tests are…

Numero nove: Ezio advises you not to buckle under pressure and to always keep cool

And finally
Numero diece: Most importantly, never forget that your friends and your loved ones are always there to support you. Never forget that we at La Rosa in Fiore are here to assist you. We are all in this together!

~ From all of us at La Rosa in Fiore ♥