Browsing Tag

fuck you tumblr


In which Signora Paola is very pissed off

December 20, 2018

I was looking at our Sinday tag and a couple of our confessions were hidden from view. OK, fine, a few of them had questionable images, but this one in particular pissed me off


I checked which image in our backup corresponded with the link and this came out

ETA: I’m linking off-site because OF COURSE Tumblr would flag this:

That was an artwork I made. I’m not particularly pissed off that my art was flagged. I’m particularly pissed off because a mere shirtless image of Jacob was flagged as explicit.

Wow, Tumblr. 

I really, really want to actually delete this Tumblr because I’m getting tired of having to circumvent around Tumblr’s unfair policies. But I know that most of you prefer to stay here. That is the only thing holding me back. At this rate, I’m tempted to just have all the confessions here text only, and have the images linked on our Dreamwidth community.

~ Signora Paola