I have a little obsession with Matt Murdock right now and I believe that Jacob and I can easily seduce him. I’m a bit straight-forward but Jacob likes to play with the ‘victim’ of his sexual endeavors. It is like a good cop/bad cop kind of thing. I imagine three of us sitting at the table somewhere in crowded club with Matt between us. Because of his enhanced senses he can hear us even when the music is too loud. He can’t see what we are doing but he can feel it. Jacob exhales near Matt’s ear and he trembles while my hand travels down his muscular chest to his trousers. I grab his half-hard cock through the fabric, making him moan. Jacob smiles at me wickedly and then kisses Matt hard, playing with his tongue. It is turning on for me to watch them and I swallow, knowing that Murdock can hear me doing that.
I have undone the fly on his jeans, finally able to touch his bare dick with my cold fingers. Matt groans louder but Frye turns his head and kisses him again, silencing him. “If only you could see yourself right now. Your cheeks are flushed and it is visible even in this dark club,” I say seductively as his cock twitches in my hand.
“I can smell your arousal from here,” Matt whispers, licking his lips. “Arousal of both of you… fuck!” He’s desperate and frustrated because the smell of sex is teasing his nose mercilessly.
“I’d fuck you right on this table, Matty,” Jacob licks his earlobe, breathing hard. “I don’t need a super hearing to know that your heart is beating super fast now.”
“He’d love that, don’t you, Matt?” I giggle, stroking his cock, exposing his pink little head. “Please…” Murdock begs in the cutest voice possible. “He’s so needy,” Frye chuckles and his hand joins my under the table as both of us caress his shaft. Jacob’s thumb sweeps the drop of pre-cum from the tip.
“Oh my God, have mercy on me!” Matt moans. “What a naughty boy! Are you not ashamed to talk to God at the moment? When doing such dirty things…” Jacob smiles again and bites Matt’s neck skin. “Ah, please, just let me cum already, I can’t take it anymore! Please!”
“Well, you asked so nicely,” I say, looking at Jacob. He nods and together we make Murdock spatter his seed over his dark jeans as he catches his breath, trying to calm down. “We are at your service any time,” I kiss Matt gently and Jacob does the same, before we leave him on his own, still flushed and confused.
Confession [x]
Oh, I approve. Simply watching these two walk towards you is like seeing two hungry tigers on a prowl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

~ Signora Paola