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Oh my God! It actually happened! Senpai noticed me! I’m a shaking crying mess of happiness right now! Noah liked a post, and he is following me. I cannot say thank you enough to you wonderful people. I got my wish! I’m still in shock! Aaaaa!!!!!!!

July 21, 2016

This must be awkward but exciting at the same time, eh?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I’m sure @thenoahwatts is glad!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I know this is completely random, but I think I would die of happiness if Noah Watts read any of my confessions. Or at least my life would be complete. Challenge accepted! To write great confessions that even he would take notice of.

July 10, 2016

Take care not to fall over with excitement, my friend!


We have gotten several messages expressing quite a bit of hysteria whenever their own Connor confessions were liked or even reblogged by @thenoahwatts ;D

And yes, please do send us more of your Connor confessions! He waits for them like a hungry wolf~


~ Signora Paola


I just recently found your blog…. And I’m glad I did. I love reading the confessions about Connor, and am trying to think of one myself. Keep up the great work!

July 3, 2016

Let Connor inspire you while he stares at you intensely across the table~


That candlelight may be romantic, but it sure brings other… scenes in mind 8D

Grazie mille, my friend! We hope to see your confessions soon! ♥

~ Signora Paola