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Ive been a follower and a confesser (always on anon) for a long time now. But its taken me a while to say this. I want to sincerely thank you all from the bottem of my heart for creating this page, its absolutely wonderful. Thank you for all the hard work youve done. Please never stop! <33

January 28, 2018

Awww, and thank you so much for being our loyal patron! Let me tell you that it is always a joy to read messages such as yours, especially when we’ve just finished editing your confessions. It always gives us a great boost. (=´∇`=)

And La Rose in Fiore will always exist as long as there is much delicious sinfulness happening in the Assassin’s Creed fandom. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

~ Signora Paola