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January 24, 2018

I need a threesome with Crawford Starrick and Sir Galahad from Order 1886. Between a Templar Grand Master and a Knight Of the Round Table, I know I’d be satisfied all night long.

Confessed by @fortunefavoredthebrave


November 5, 2017

My birthday is coming up (5th November ) and it’s quite a big one, so I wouldn’t mind coming home after a long day to find Edward and John Constantine completely naked on my couch, waiting for me with a bottle of captain morgan rum, and both with cheeky grins.. they both perk up with ‘luv, we’ve been waiting for so long.. let us give you your birthday gift now’ and well, the rest we’ll leave to imagination;) 

Confessed by @askerislaufeyson


Happy birthday to you, my dear! 

From all of us here at the Rosa in Fiore <3