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Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway


August 30, 2021

I think Connor would be a tender lover in bed. He would make sure every need was met. But I also think he has a wild side, and he would show it when you tease him too much.’


August 22, 2021

Last night I had this really hot dream where I was straddling and grinding down on Connor’s thic thighs. His hands were gripping my waist increasing the pace until I had an orgasm.’

Confessions, Paola's Choice

August 14, 2021

I can’t help but wonder how each assassin’s personality would be a complete opposite to their ways in the bedroom. Say, Connor is mostly an even-tempered guy, so I can definitely imagine him to be a demon in bed. Not vocal because he turns that energy into something more carnal, like biting you or digging his hands and fingers deeply into your flesh he’d leave visible marks. Then once you think he’s done, he flips you over, takes your hands and pins them behind your back, and continues his onslaught.

There’s Jacob who’s all cocksure and chaotic, but in bed? He’s the eager-to-please naughty boy who could be very methodical with his approach. He’s not very good at subtlety when he’s about assassinate someone, but he excels very well with how he would seduce you. Maybe a lingering caress on your palm, a teasing whisper in your ear, a slow intake of breath when he leans ever so slightly towards your neck. He’s an impatient guy, but he’s extremely patient when it comes to handling you. He has an almost terrifying laser-like focus with his seduction. Every action is calculated, and every single one of them is meant to drive you insane with lust you’d be absolutely ravenous and begging for his cock.

And what of his twin, Evie, who is his complete opposite? So poised and well-mannered with her clothes on. In the privacy of your room, she unleashes all that pent-up aggression onto you. If you’re a man she’s going to brutally ride your cock with no care at how rough she’s being, pushing you down every time you even attempt to sit up. If you’re a woman she’d fuck you into a frenzy with a strap-on and then demand that you feast on her and make her come.

It’s very enjoyable imagining these characters acting so different from their persona when they’re having sex. But I take one exception: Edward. Expecting a gruff lawless pirate to fuck you like you’re in the middle of stormy waters? That is exactly what you’ll get and in the middle of his ship, too. Gotta show his crew that only he has the rightful claim to your booty.

Confessions, Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack

July 6, 2021

‘I wailed throughout the captain’s quarters, my melodies like a siren song to my man’s ears. His body and mine laid upon a majestic bed, all hot and sweaty in the heat of passion. We embraced each other, our legs tangling between the messy sheets. I grazed the Mohawk warrior’s chiseled abs before I scrambled on top of him. I straddled his waist while my palms roamed his sculpted torso. I then placed my lips to his ear.

“You are a fast learner, Connor.”’

Confession [@haythamsenpai]

Confessions, Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack

June 27, 2021

It started as an accident—a simple, innocent little incident—and the young Assassin didn’t know how to feel about it. It all started when he scraped his groin against the desk. He didn’t mean to do it. Oh no, not at all. He just needed to grab ingredients from the kitchen shelves as ordered by Achilles. But then euphoria ignited his loins while he did so.

He never brought it up with the old man, no matter how disconcerted it made him. Such matters embarrassed him too much to discuss in the open. He didn’t want to discuss it with someone not of his tribe, either. So, he left the subject untouched until nightfall.

Connor laid upon his four-poster bed with eyes wide open. He couldn’t sleep until he dealt with this strange issue of his. He felt relieved that Achilles gave him a separate upstairs bedroom to sleep in, far away from the old man’s lower-level chamber. Wearing nothing but a night-shirt, Connor pushed the bedsheets aside and reached for his nether regions. He put his hand right above his loins, unsure of where to begin, or even how to get those gratifying sparks going again.

Confession [@haythamsenpai]


June 14, 2021

‘I want to lick sweet sticky things off Ezio and Connor… And salty alcohol things off Eddie.’


June 13, 2021

‘Imagine sexy dancing for the Kenway men… I don’t know whether I prefer Haytham’s worldly, assured calm, Edward’s rowdy, hearty enthusiasm or Connor’s quiet, passionate smolder. All? All is good.’


June 2, 2021

‘What I want, and all I want, is Ratonhnhake:ton‘s virginity. Or Connor’s? I think I will just call him beautiful and darling throughout, if he doesn’t mind’

Confessions, Paola's Choice

May 30, 2021

‘As shy our gentle giant Connor seems can we agree he can also be beautifully blunt and to the point. And by blunt and to the point, I mean I’m teasing him quite shamelessly thinking he is oblivious, when he finally gives in to temptation and says just: “Bed, now. I’m going to show you how I can fuck.”‘


May 28, 2021

‘I want to wax Connor‘s big, beautiful dick for him. And then suck and ride it to show him how much I like it.’