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Secluded Haystack

I’ve got a quick question about the haystack. Is it for only 1 character and only AC? Example: you can write about Jacob just fine, throw Evie in the mix would that be allowed? Or instead of Evie, add that dude from Lucifer? Or is it solely for just Jacob. Does any of that make sense?

December 8, 2017

As long as it’s a reader insert and it involves an AC character, it will be accepted 🙂

Secluded Haystack

I’ve got a quick question about the Secluded Haystack. If you make a fic that the reader can put in their own name, it’s probably not possible that it’s stuttered, right? And to clearify because how do you even English? If the reader would I don’t know give a male char a bj, and he stutters/moans their name like (random name time!) “C-Cla-aire”, that’s not possible for the Haystack, right? Hope it’s clear enough what I mean! ^^”

April 24, 2017


Since Signora Paola will add the Javascript, something like you mentioned, won’t be possible (without putting way too much work in it and we don’t want to put a bigger burden on her shoulder, si?). Therefore I advise to write it similar like this:

“Claire,” he stuttered.

I suppose the reader will understand and therefore stutter their name in their head? At least I am one of these few people who hear themselves reading… O_O);;

I hope, I was able to help you out, if not just drop further questions into the askbox! 🙂

-Sister Teodora