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I think it’s nice how even though these assassins are amazingly fit and in tip-top physical form, their bodies are not over-sexualized with rock-hard abs and huge muscles. I daresay that Jacob and Bayek in all their muscle-y goodness still look soft and a bit squishy. Not exactly dirty, but I just wanted to say this. 👍

December 17, 2017

Hmmm, indeed~

Having gone to the gym for over a year – and being very serious with it for the past 7 months now – I can say with certainty that those much drooled-over rock hard abs are overrated. Sure, they’re nice to look at (if that’s your sort of thing), but they are not a good indication of health and strength. One needs a very low amount of body fat for those muscles to show, so at some point it becomes unhealthy to maintain that kind of physique all year round.

It makes me really appreciate what Ubisoft is doing with these fictional men. They’re very fit, but their bodies are, shall we say, “attainable,” and not something that could actually be easy to exaggerate with Photoshop and Instagram filters.

~ Signora Paola


Not really a confession but I just want to let you know I always love when you mods personally reply to stuff because you guys are so adorbs ♡ keep up the sinful work!! I love all of it—

October 30, 2017

Seeing this message had truly made my day! <3 <3 <3 <3 

We, too, enjoy reading what you’ve all got to say to us here. On behalf of everybody from the Rosa in Fiore we are eternally grateful for the support you’ve given to us. 

We are looking forward to more of your confessions! 

Love, Annetta~ <3