‘After replaying the infamous bathtub scene at the start of AC Brotherhood, I can’t help but fantasise about joining Ezio and Caterina in bed, considering they’re both my type in men and women. I’d love to submit to the both of them and do whatever they asked of me, perhaps amusing them in my eagerness to keep up with their many demands all while I get needier. I’d love to turn Ezio on by letting him watch us two women. Though, judging by her character, I think Caterina would want to lead things.’
‘Okay but, that sex scene of Ezio’s turned me the fuck on. I just
imagined taking Caterina’s (was it Caterina??? i forgot) place and Ezio
doing all the right stuff.’
Is it just me that thinks Caterina Sforza is seriously fuckable? I’d love to have a night of hot sex with her, and afterwards we make Ezio jealous by never leaving each other’s side (and of course, promises of a repeat of the night before!)
Are you sure you want to make Ezio jealous?

~ Annetta <3
‘Confession: I’m a lesbian, so most of the AC men are pleasant to look at, but that’s it. Ezio is different though. I’d totally do him. First, I’d bind his hands and make him sit in one of the plush chairs of the Rosa in Fiore, while me and Caterina Sforza have some fun on the bed. He wouldn’t be allowed to touch us or himself while we eat each other out. Afterwards, Caterina would ride his dick while I ride his face. He’d act as if he wanted more control – but in reality he’s just fine.’
Screencap credit [x]
“When I played Assassin’s Creed 2 and Brotherhood, I was jealous of Caterina and Cristina because they got to fuck Ezio and I didn’t”.
‘It’d would be kinda funny if, during the Ezio/Caterina bath scene on Brotherhood, Desmond would be getting a tent is his pants than Shaun, Rebecca and Lucy would be laughing like crazy and obviously weirded out.’
‘I would love to take Claudia, Teodora, and Caterina to a private villa and have a foursome and drink lots of wine. What do you 3 Belle signore say?’
I certainly would love to, although I would personally keep my alcohol intake to a minimum. I would rather be very, very alert to the proceedings at hand. <3
~ Sister Teodora
It does sounds like an interesting idea, il mío tesoro. Your wishes are my command 😉
– Caterina
‘For the better part of her screen time, I wanted to fuck Caterina Sforza on the next surface available until she couldn’t stand up straight for a week. I told this to my husband and after a long laugh he said “Well, I would help you not letting her walk straight for TWO weeks.”’
’I want to fuck Caterina so bad… like, really, fuck her brains out, on every surface of her Castle in Forlì, at the Tiber Island Hideout, in Castel Sant’Angelo… I would do whatever she asks me to do to her, from vanilla to extreme BDSM. Whatever she asks. I’m a soon to be married woman and when I confessed this to my fiancee, he said he would treasure this for his private, alone time. It only makes it worse. It only makes me want a threesome with them.’
I’d like to tell Ezio to take care of Cesare while I get Caterina from her cell, throw Lucrezia in and make her watch as I take the saucy red-head right in front of her until she begs to join us. I’ll be sure to leave the whore something to help herself with.
Confession by: ~Kou of the Texas Assassins
I feel honored that you would have me first, messere.
– Caterina S.