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Assassin’s Creed: Origins


October 15, 2018

“I can’t help but think of the day Cleopatra gifted  me to Aya and Bayek.
At first they seemed upset by the notion, then little by little I
showed them I also had lost a piece of my heart and soon we all three
had shared a blissful night beneath the stars. Both of them are so
strong, so passionate that I usually cannot walk properly the next day,
but by the gods it’s worth it. Her tongue and his cock are enough to
leave me desperate for more.”



October 12, 2018

“Sometime I just imagine being visited by Bayek and Aya. They would be looking for something new and exciting… I would start by kissing her sensually, passionately in front of her husband. Soon he would not be able to handle it and would join. We would start fucking passionately… And I can’t stop imagining Aya moaning inside my ear “You like my husband in you?”
“Oh yes Miss Aya…Yes.”

[X] | Confessed by: @mercutio1789


September 22, 2018

‘I’m both shocked and saddened that Bayek’s dearest friend Hepzefa has absolutely no love on Tumblr or anywhere for that matter! I cannot be the only one who has fantasized about that cheeky little devil. His devilish smiles as kisses your lips with an intensity as fiery as his sword. Those eyes wild with desire as he pulls you close at that usually playful voice choking out strangled moans as he brings you both to completion during one wild night outside Siwa. Excuse me . I need to go sin now.’

Confession [@madamegothicka]


September 8, 2018

‘When I saw Bayek in Hunter’s Furs outfit, I just imagined painting on his body with “white paint” and touching his fur.’


September 2, 2018

‘It was hot in the desert, but Bayek was hotter. That man sure knows how to get a girl going, if you know what I mean. Sex under the Egyptian sun would an experience to cherish. (Sorry for my tardiness, it’s good to be back after so long!)’

Confession [@estel619​]

No worries, my dear! While we are overjoyed to see new patrons, we will always reserve a special place for our loyal and long-standing patrons. ❤️

~ Signora Paola

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

August 24, 2018

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Confession [@fildyscz]


August 5, 2018

I’m so thoroughly gay for Aya… I’d let that woman do everything to me,
but I really really want to feel her sitting on my face. I’d service
her until she came hard all over me. I’m sure I could orgasm without
even touching myself~”


Pairings, Uncategorized

July 25, 2018

I think Aya and Kassandra would be such a bad-ass-power couple 😁

Confessions, Crossovers, Uncategorized

July 23, 2018

‘For my birthday (July 23th) Jacob and Bayek took me to dinner to a restaurant. There, they began to seduce me in front of Ubbe (from Vikings); that made him very horny, so… let’s say that I had the best birthday ever 😘’

Confession [@vickapinto]

We from La Rosa in Fiore would like to greet you a very happy birthday! 🎉


July 2, 2018

Bayek’s beard on my pussy would be lovely.’
