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Assassin’s Creed: Origins

Confessions, Not-So-Dirty Confessions

June 20, 2017

Assassin’s Creed: Origins has just been announced and I have to say I’m already intrigued by Bayek’s muscles… and lack of a shirt. Yum.

Confession by @ellestrix


I don’t know if you just watch the E3 conference on Assassin’s Creed Origins but I did and I’m SO EXCITED! I am curious to see what your intake on the game is?

June 12, 2017

I have already said my thoughts on it in a previous post 😉 I am most excited by the gameplay (he uses a shield! Oh I wonder if he would use it as a weapon like Captain America), and the scenery.

~ Signora Paola


June 12, 2017

(Credit here)

I can already foresee confessions going, “Bayek? You mean BAEyek.” 😜

Seriously, though, I’ve only watched the trailer (I’m not really updating myself with E3 news because I personally find it to be tiring lol; I just catch up on my own pace afterwards). That said, the scenery blows me away and I am very excited how they’ve recreated ancient Egypt. And if it’s true what they say about player choices having an effect then I’m really looking forward to the changes they’ve done with the gameplay. 😊

~ Signora Paola