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Assassin’s Creed: Origins


July 12, 2017

‘Meeting Bayek in a hidden Oasis after he’s been gone for weeks… Oh, my Ra! The gods themselves would blush!’

Confession [@akarah-sommah]


July 9, 2017

‘I was watching a Ubisoft live when they asked if there would be long guns in the new AC … I thought … Of course, Bayek will be there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )’

Confession [@supermariane13-2]


July 6, 2017

I want to ride Bayek’s Egyptian cock.


July 1, 2017

I did not know I needed Bayek until I saw the recent ask about him. He can sail on my Nile anytime

We assume you were referring to this ask? 😉


June 30, 2017

‘Now, I have two crushes from Assassin’s Creed: Ah Tabai and Bayek, and I just can stop thinking about a threesome with them. Ah Tabai kneels behind me, pulls my back against his body, penetrates tenderly my butt and whispers “In k’ateech” (I love you in Yucatec) while Bayek kneeling in front of me, fingering me and sucking my nipples. Each time I think about this fantasy, my lower body hurts a lot. Ah Tabai looks savage and tender at the same time and Bayek looks savage and mysterious I find.’

Screencap credit [Ah Tabai]


June 29, 2017

I would love for Bayek to take me on top of the Sphinx while under a starry night sky.


June 27, 2017

I want Bayek to pound me under the cool desert night sky, like yesterday.


June 25, 2017

I can’t chase the vision out of my head that Bayek is locking me between his knees, pushing his tongue against my clit and licking me slowly, never stopping, never missing a rhythm until I am nothing but a trembling wreck crying his name over and over in my pleasure.

Confession by @shatinn


June 21, 2017

‘Oh, but who is this wonderful sun kissed man, I know only his name. I hold him tight in my arms right now as he’s grinding his hips into mine pounding me relentless. His moaning getting louder and deeper then his breath skips, he thrusts forth one last time and I pull his body even closer to mine as I follow him plummet into my own bliss. I feel his delicious hot lips pressing on mine, I whimper into our passionate kiss…“oh, Bayek.”’

Confession [@shatinn]


Not a confession, but a query. I know that they have just announced Assassin’s Creed Origins, and that we are all excited over it…. Can we do confessions on Bayek, from what we know already, or do we have to wait til the game comes out in October? Because I’m pretty sure I have a few confessions brewing.

June 21, 2017

Confession can be send about him and will be edited and posted. We just had the first confession posted actually ^_^

-Sister Teodora

PS: Regarding story-relevant confessions: They won’t be posted with at least a 3-4 months break. Not everyone can enjoy the game from Day 1 and therefore we wait with confessions which involve e.g. key sequences, memories or other important stuff from AC: Origins (important side kicks, story relevant characters from Bayek etc.). Usually Ubisoft gives game codes to a few Lets Players before release therefore we won’t allow anything story related before release date + 3 months afterwards. And I do not know if explained that clearly. XD