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Assassin’s Creed: Origins


November 27, 2017

The toughs intoxicate my mind how much I want that towel to drop, leave nothing to my imagination anymore as Bayek wraps his arms around my waist as slowly trust in make me enjoy every second of his sweet intrusion. The never ending kisses that muffles our moans as he tenderly makes love to me the only giveaway noises in the secluded part of the steamy bathhouse.

Confessed by @shatinn

Confessions, Crossovers, Uncategorized

November 25, 2017

‘This may sound weird but I really, really want a threesome with Cleopatra, from Origins, and the Cleopatra portrayed by Elizabeth Taylor. Two gorgeous Cleopatra’s being fucked hard in the palace until I spill my load all over them both. What a treat that would be!’

Confessions, Pairings

November 23, 2017

‘I wonder if Aya would mind sharing Bayek with me; I wouldn’t mind being in a threesome with these two sensual, gorgeous lovers. Seeing how passionate and intimate they are with each other only convinces me that a night with these two will be on levels of intensity I’d never known.’


November 22, 2017

‘I want Cleopatra to whisper all the filthy things she wants from me in my ear in that heavenly, melodic voice of hers as she teases me mercilessly, making me beg for her to fuck me. Bonus points if she mixes in another language.’


November 21, 2017

‘I can’t help but imagine Aya’s beautiful lips on my pussy; her dark, kohl-lined eyes locked with mine as she eats me out and drives me to the highest realms of pleasure.’


November 20, 2017

‘Cleopatra needs to ride my cock while I cup her titties in my hands, watching her eyes roll as she moans like the harlot queen she’s made out to be.’


November 20, 2017

‘Bayek’s bathtowel outfit distracts me from playing stealthy. I cant stop daydreaming touching his beautiful bronze chest and fingers gliding down toward his torso feel the knot of muscles.. pull the towel tugging at his hips and let it fall at his feet. All the while him staring at me intently. I have the urge to touch myself right now as I write this. K bye.’


November 18, 2017

‘Did anyone else have to change panties when they saw bearded Bayek in the AC Origins game, because I had to, many times. Talk about major Daddy!Bayek kink, yes please!!!’


November 16, 2017

Shay littering my body with his birthday kisses, getting closer and closer to his final destination but oh what a delicious surprise when Bayek joins in and the two lovers in my life begin to lick my folds eating me out. Their passion driven challenge who can please me better pays off, I screaming in my rapture gasping for air and hardly can wait to have them inside me, make love to me in turn just to send me to pleasure heaven again and again.

Confession by @shatinn


From the Rosa in Fiore, we wish you a happy happy birthday! 😀 


November 16, 2017

‘I didn’t realize that Bayek was going to have long hair and a beard in most of the game and honestly this man is so gorgeous all I can think about is being fucked by him on one of those tables that are literally everywhere…’