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June 12, 2017

(Credit here)

I can already foresee confessions going, “Bayek? You mean BAEyek.” 😜

Seriously, though, I’ve only watched the trailer (I’m not really updating myself with E3 news because I personally find it to be tiring lol; I just catch up on my own pace afterwards). That said, the scenery blows me away and I am very excited how they’ve recreated ancient Egypt. And if it’s true what they say about player choices having an effect then I’m really looking forward to the changes they’ve done with the gameplay. 😊

~ Signora Paola


Just a question! I was making gifs of Unity and I found this suggestive scene of Arno that made me think of you and I was wondering what can I do to share it with all the Arno lovers in this bordello XD Do you accept gifs or images without confessions?

June 3, 2017

You can send us a link from the OP and we will reblog it or connect the post with a link ^_^

I am awaiting your submission >:D

-Sister Teodora


How does the “real people” rule work in relation to historical figures that were real that are featured in the games? I;m thinking Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Napoleon, etc.

June 2, 2017

Historical figures that were portrayed in the Assassin’s Creed franchise are okay. 🙂 With the exception of a few characters that have committed atrocious crimes (ie., serial killers, mass murderers, et al.), as long as they are in the game then we will accept dirty confessions about them. 😀


Who runs this page?

April 29, 2017

All of our info (including the history of this bordello) can be read here 😉

That said, the active mods are down to just two at the moment. Real life responsibilities really do get in the way sometimes. 😅 I’ve been asked how I could manage to make all of the edits when I have my own job and RL responsibilities, and my answer is simple: What I do here is easy mode compared to what I do at work, so I can work on all of the confessions we’ve received in a week’s time in one day.

~ Signora Paola

I must admit that I can’t help our dear Signora as much as I would, since I do not have the same skills as she has. Additionally I’m also in the mid of final exams (one last practical exam and I should be done) and I can’t invest as much time and dedication as I would like to.
Still I believe that we manage this here for now quite well. We may be only two admins at the moment, but I try to help everywhere I can. ^_^

-Sister Teodora


How many confessions do you delete in a week?

April 10, 2017

Do you mean to say, how many confessions we publish in a week? Right now, our queue posts 5 confessions a day – so that’s a total of 35 confessions in one week.

That said, we will only delete confessions if they go against our rules.

~ Signora Paola


How many days it normally takes for my confession to be posted?

March 30, 2017

Can take up to a few days (3-5) or a week (7 days) – in very rare occasions 9-14 days. It actually depends on how many confessions we receive. Right now Signora Paola works alone on editing the confessions therefore our capacity is not the biggest. We post 5 times a day. Right now there are 36 queued posts! 🙂

There is also the possibility that we did not accept your confession (because it broke one of our rules stated on /ask) or that tumblr ate your message and we never received it!

Have a little patience or re-send your confession if you are unsure! :>

-Sister Teodora


Do I sin here? I mean, where should I send the text? I’m sorry to ask, actually I know the full pic + text confession should go on the submit box but I’m clueless here :D thank you

March 30, 2017

Yes you do sin here in the askbox ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Keep in mind that we have a few rules and guidelines for your confession!

-Sister Teodora.


Not a confession Adorians, but am I the last one who JUST happened to spot bae in AC movie??? Any one else?

March 23, 2017

Who else belatedly saw Arno in the movie? ;D

Tbh I had to squint a few times because the movie theatre I watched it in had a somewhat dark screen and I thought I was just seeing things.

Has the Blue-ray/DVD been released already? /is completely out of the loop It’d be lovely to have great screenshots from the movie. 😉

~ Signora Paola


Really random question here: how do you decide what confessions to post Throwback Thursday? Just had a wonder 😂 BTW I love this blog so much 😍

March 16, 2017

They are confessions done during our first year, and the ones who didn’t get too many attention (ie., note count) when they were first posted. 🙂



Not really a sin but, how do you get your Jacob Frye picture shots? I really love them but can’t find them nowhere on the Internet? Do you use a special program? Thanks in advance!

March 11, 2017

I have my own game footage of Syndicate, which clocks in at a whopping 1.4 terabytes of space XD;;; I haven’t edited them, though, so a huge amount of that footage is at least 2 hours of uninterrupted gameplay per video.

To anyone who’s curious what I use to capture footage from my PS4, I use Elgato Game Capture HD (the older model not the HD60 one). 😀

~ Signora Paola