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Arno is a bit more popular to confess in than last time, don’t you think, cheri?

August 29, 2017

Well since the @adorians-unite formed for a special event, a lot of Arnos fans are meeting up here to send us their fantasies. 😉

We also have a Discord, created by me, where we have big come togethers and collect our nicest ideas about him. <3

Thanks for your ask, cherie <3

-Sister Teodora


Quick question ladies: Did you receive any confession about learning the locomotary system with Jacob helping? I have waited 30 day like you suggest and I was wondering, maybe you didn’t receive it, maybe you didn’t had the time to publish it, or maybe I did something wrong ( wouldn’t put it past me). Just so I know if I have something to change when I rewrite it ( which I’ll gladly do, it needed some rewriting anyway). Aaanyway keep up the confessions they’re great :)

August 5, 2017

I don’t recall ever receiving this confession you described. Tumblr likely ate the message again : From experience, Tumblr tends to messages that are sent in succession, so that could be one reason.

Please do send the confession again!

~ Signora Paola


is there any submissive jacob confessions? or rothfrye?

July 24, 2017

Yes, there are. Jacob has over 1000 confessions and I worked on probably 60% of them. I remember there are several, but I’m afraid I cannot give you specific links for each of them since we do not have a tag for submissive Jacob.

As for RothFrye confessions, however, there is this tag. Enjoy!

~ Signora Paola


Not a confession: hi! I was wondering if anyone at this wonderful establishment would know where to the find the audio file of edward kenway when he says “I bet you’d love that cock” during one of the Templar hunts? Thank you, keep on shining guys!

July 19, 2017

Hey there, lovely! If you’re curious about sounds from the game, we recommend the wonderful @allsoundsasscreed ! 🙂

Maybe they can help you out. If so, please send them our regards ^_^

-Sister Teodora


Hey Admins & Sisters! Can you all open a Discord Server? We can share own confessions ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and talk about characters? And I heard some AC-Related Discord Server has bots… So, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

July 18, 2017

Good news, child!
A discord Server has been set up and the official post will follow in a bit ^_^


We will try to give characters bots! 😉

-Sister Teodora


If you don’t have a section for a particular character on Secluded Haystack but they are an Assassin/Templar in the games (e.g. Rebecca) would you accept a story for them? I did read your Secluded Haystack FAQ but couldn’t find a definite answer and wanted to double check. Sorry for being a pain, love the blog ❤❤

July 11, 2017

I’m not sure if our explanation was clear enough, but as stated:

“As for the characters, we will only accept Assassin and Templar characters, either playable or non-playable. Since the world of Assassin’s Creed is huge (and is getting bigger with each passing year), we have decided to limit the entries we can accept to make it more manageable for us.”

It doesn’t matter if the character isn’t in the Haystack main page yet. We will add them as soon as we receive a submission.

~ Signora Paola


Not a confession but sort of a dumb question, but do you guys accept LGBT confessions? Like Haytham/Male!reader, etcetera, etcetera?

June 30, 2017

Yes, we do (you only need to look at our Evie Frye tag to see that most of her confessions involve lesbian relationships). Gay confessions exist, but considering that 90% of our patrons are women they are a bit of a rarity. We always welcome more variety in our confessions, so the more LGBT themed ones, the better. ♥

~ Signora Paola


-waves- Not a confession but a question; I’ve been off tumblr for a year and came back to find Haytham-Senpai’s been deactivated. D: Would you all happen to know if she has she left tumblr for good or does she have a new blog?

June 16, 2017

Haytham Senpai accidentally deleted her account and had to create a new one. You can view it here.

-Sister Teodora.