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Ask the Admins: Sweet Bits

DACS Greatest Hits

I’m dying to know… what kind of drunks are our assassins? Some I can imagine being loud, others are touchy-feely ‘omg I love you’ and the rest can’t handle themselves at all.

May 12, 2016

Connor: he would do a drunk phone call like in this video link. And he’d probably look like this, too


Edward: yeah I don’t think he can handle himself at all lol he’d be all like–


Haytham: can probably handle himself a lot better than his dad lol like the sassy don that he is like–


Altair: would be a raging drunk like


Probably be yelling “I’M NOT A NOVICE” all throughout the streets of Damascus while drunk, lol

Desmond: can probably handle himself but gets wasted on purpose, like a drunk college party animal


Aveline: Is more of a social drinker and is more likely to get tipsy than drunk


Shao Jun: she would be very discreet about it but get all bubbly and giggly underneath all that pretense


Ezio: I would look like I belong on the Jersey Shore cast while drunk–


– Ezio Auditore

Adéwalé would get all argumentative and would be all ready to fight


Shay would be making silly faces all night long and would even attempt to impersonate everyone (he does a terrible impression of Haytham tho ssshhh don’t tell him)


Arno would get all sad and weepy and basically being all emotional, thanking each person for being nice to him and asking them for a hug


Arbaaz would try to stay up and awake but nope. He’s pretty much wasted


Evie would transform into a HUGE chatterbox. Like once her mouth opens there’s no filtering it. Idk which is juicier – her divulging how she and Henry read and follow the Kama Sutra or That One Time Jacob Ran Away From His Room All Naked And Shrieking Like A Banshee™ because he saw a spider on his forehead when he woke up


Jacob… don’t even leave him alone. Ever. Not even for five minutes. Just don’t. Unless you want a massive destruction that would register a 10 on the Torino Scale


~ Signora Paola

DACS Greatest Hits

May 10, 2016

I looked for a dog breed that could be compatible to the character’s own personality (but I think they could all get along well with the breeds I mentioned) 😀 And I couldn’t resist – I have to use GIFs!

(more under the cut–warning: this is a super long post!)

Desmond: Golden Retriever – reliable, friendly, kind, confident, trustworthy


Altaïr: Doberman Pinscher – alert, loyal, energetic, fearless, intelligent


10/10 for that porkour

Ezio: Dachshund – lively, playful, devoted, clever, stubborn, courageous


Connor: Great Dane – devoted, reserved, gentle, friendly, confident, loving


So gentle to smaller creatures like Connor *sniff*

Aveline: French Bulldog – lively, playful, athletic, alert, easygoing, sociable


Edward: Shiba Inu – charming, alert, faithful, confident, keen, fearless


Now imagine Edward saying that

Adéwalé: Borzoi – athletic, gentle, quiet, respectful, intelligent, independent


Shay: Siberian Husky – outgoing, alert, gentle, friendly, intelligent


Haytham: Greyhound – even-tempered, athletic, gentle, quiet, intelligent


And afraid of cats

Arno: Basset Hound – devoted, gentle, tenacious, friendly, sweet-tempered


Shao Jun: Samoyed – lively, playful, alert, friendly, stubborn, sociable


Arbaaz: German Shepherd – Watchful, alert, curious, confident, courageous


Evie: Border Collie – alert, energetic, tenacious, responsive, intelligent


Jacob: Pembroke Welsh Corgi – outgoing, playful, bold, protective, tenacious


Now imagine all of them taking their dogs in a dog park. Or maybe they have their own Doggie Play Dates. Imagine the utter mayhem, holy shit. I think Jacob’s Corgi and Ezio’s Doxie would be the biggest troublemakers (something about those short legs).

Grazie for sending this ask! ♥

~ Signora Paola (who loves dogs way too much)

You’ll see I love big dogs… So, here they are!

Desmond: Pitbull – strong, intimidating, yet sweet. I can’t help but imagine him owning one and being super attentive of it, I mean look at that face!


Altair: Saluki – independent and aloof; gentle and affectionate;

may seem reserved to strangers. Altair would take him for his morning jog always, then give him a nice treat.


Ezio: Dalmatian – strong, energetic and curious. Ezio would use him to win ladies in the dog park for sure and would train him to do all sort of tricks. Who doesn’t love Dalmatians?


Connor: Alaskan Malamute

Independence, resourcefulness, high intelligence. When Connor goes out camping/hiking, because he does, his faithful dog goes too. 


Aveline: Komondor

it is calm and steady when things are normal, but defensive when needed. Just imagine Aveline walking this cutie thing! She would love to bath and play with it.


Edward: Welsh Terrier

it is a happy, lively, and seldom shy or timid. Can have an attitude. Edward would so play with this dog till both of them were exhausted. Maybe so trips to the beach too.


Adéwalé: Dachshund

Dachshunds are playful, but can be quite stubborn; great determination and ferocity. Adé little friend likes to put his head on his master’s lap while he reads.


Shay: Irish Setter – active,

excellent companion & enthusiastic. Shay’s friend loves to go sailing with his master! Loves to get wet and sometimes drives Shay crazy!


Haytham: Beagle – Intelligent

and determined. This dog would surely bring a smile to Haytham’s face as he approaches him with a toy to play.


Arno: Papillon – symbol of fidelity and loyalty. Friendly and adventurous dog! Would go crazy each time Arno came home, jumping with happiness! And it would sleep in Arno’s bed too.


Shao Jun: Akita

strong, independent

and calm. Sweet thing loves Shao Jun andplays with her all day if he can. It adores the treats she buys too!


Arbaaz: Bull Terrier

independent and stubborn; courageous and  full of spirit. A gift from an English friend, Arbaaz really came to love this furry thing. He takes him for walks and plays with him too.


Evie: English Cocker Spaniel – compassionate, determined, kind, intelligent, athletic, alert and resilient. While she reads and plays the piano,it would remain at Evie’s feet simply relaxing in it’s master’s presence.


Jacob: Boxer

bright, energetic and playful;

slight reputation of being “headstrong”. Would go insane each time Jacob says “Playtime”. Insane. It would jump over him and tackle him just to keep him there.


This is so I should go now and pet and play with my own doggie!


Connor: He’d own a Wolf-dog–kind of like the ‘Liger’ (made famous by Napoleon Dynamite, aha), the wolf-dog is a cross-breed between a Wolf, and a dog that whose heritage is close to wolves–for example, an Alaskan Malamute bred with an Arctic Wolf. An interesting thing to note is that wolves are actually very shy and timid animals by nature. Wolf crosses tend to retain this trait. They bond very strongly to their first owner, but are quite often shy of strangers. However, they are very outgoing and boisterous around pack members (including their human family). These both provide their own set of problems and requirements.


If I ever owned a wolf-dog, I will certainly name it ‘Ratonhnhaké:ton’, as I think it’s very fitting and Connor tends to have these kinds of traits present in his character.

Shao Jun: the Shih Tzu–its royal heritage is something Shao Jun looks like she would own, given her own regal days in court.


Aveline: the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog–highly intelligent and energetic. Assertive but not overly aggressive; very even tempered.


Adéwalé: Royal Bahamian Potcake–cautious, loyal, intelligent and laid-back.


Elise: She’d own a poodle–frivolous looking but is actually quite intelligent, energetic and sociable. One of the most intelligent dog breeds and highly obedient. Warm and personable disposition.


Haytham: He’d go for a Rottweiler–very devoted, obedient, and eager to work. They are confident, steady and fearless.


Altaïr: A Saluki–aloof, but even-tempered and extremely loyal. Quiet dignity and independence.


Edward: He’d own a Welsh Hillman–an ancient Welsh breed. Fast and fearless; precious with a proud legacy. A rarity that sadly went extinct in the 90s.



Shay: Canadian Inuit Dog (qimmiq)–Loyal, alert, intelligent, independent, willful, mischievous, tough, brave, affectionate, gentle. It’s one of North America’s oldest and rarest remaining purebred dogs. Once a crown jewel of Canada, its kind is sadly in decline like the Welsh hillman (This is a shameless plug, but one worthy of a signal boost: please help save these majestic creatures; they are an important part of Canada’s heritage!)


Ezio: I’d love to have a Volpino Italiano–they haven been known and loved by Italian nobility for centuries. They are spirited, lively, affectionate, playful, sociable, intelligent, loyal, and dedicated.


– Ezio Auditore

DACS Greatest Hits

I got a question for you beautiful people; if the Assassins smelled amortentia (the love potion from Harry Potter) what do you think they would smell?

April 23, 2016

Let me give some context first for all those who haven’t read the harry potter series. Amortentia (from the Latin words amor, that means love & tentia, that means held) is the strongest love potion in the Harry Potter universe. When a person smells it has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive. The person will fall in love with the person that administered the potion, but this love is not real just an illusion created by the potion, because love can’t be created or imitated, so to keep that person “in love” you’ll have to keep administering the Amortentia.

Now, based on this definition, here’s what I think each assassino would smell:

Desmond: orange peel & black licorice

Altair: black pepper & sweet alyssum

Ezio: neroli oil & basil

Connor:  incense cedar & lilacs

Aveline: leather & frangipani

Edward: gunpowder &  chocolate cosmos

Adéwalé: coconut pie orchic & tobacco

Shay: cinnamon & mahogany wood

Haytham: vanilla & amber

Arno: lavender & oak moss

Shao Jun: gardenia & myrrh

Arbaaz: star anise & ylang-ylang

Evie: sandalwood & ginger

Jacob: rosewood & jasmine


Connor: He’d smell like pine, with a hint of mesquite.

Jacob: sandalwood

Altair: Frankincense and Myrrh

– Ezio

DACS Greatest Hits

Because today is 4/20, who among the Assassins/Templars would you say smoke tobacco, weed, or vapor?

April 21, 2016

Sorry this is late; I wasn’t able to get on a computer all day until now–well I think Desmond for sure has tried some weed lol, and probably also tried to share it with the group, but only Rebecca agreed.


Altaïr, and he’d probably make a terrible pun to Malik about them being…hashashins, and try to twist the word into hashishins, because hashish is pretty much weed, right? Trollolololol. Although, I think those two are more likely to prefer their own country’s hookah more than anything.


Shao Jun, although like our Syrian hash…asshins, would probably prefer the stuff that’s ‘trending’ in her country, like…opium.


I think Connor would be a straight-edge type of person, although he would probably make an exception for tobacco, but only if it’s used in the traditional, sacred way of his people.


Haytham on the other hand, probably has no qualms smoking a cig or two. He’d probably be that fancy-ass, three-piece suited billionaire businessman carrying around the fanciest, most expensive cigs, like Nat Shermans or something


He’d definitely smoke some Nat Shermans–black & gold label:


Edward and Adewalé would be more into cigars, especially dem good Cuban cigars.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Aveline would probably just smoke tobacco out of pipes, particularly periques. For cigarrettes, she’d smoke American Spirit since it has perique in it, and probably use a cigarette holder to smoke cigs.


Welp, none of us admins here personally smoke, but either way, here’s to 4/20!

– Ezio Auditore

DACS Greatest Hits

Madama Paola, what would the ship names of our favorite side of ‘Fryes’ be called for every Frye pairing?

April 18, 2016

Well I can’t help it – I’m using actual food to name these ships, so I’m linking the recipes as well ;D

Desmond: Deep FRYE-d Tequila Shots
Altaïr: Shawarma with FRYEs
Ezio: Deep FRYEd Panzerotti
Connor: Kentucky All-American FRYEd Chicken
Aveline: Bayou FRYEd Shrimp
Edward: Deep FRYEd Rum Balls
Adéwalé: FRYE Bake
Shay: Beer Battered Sausage
Haytham: Fish & Chips (with beer of course)
Arno: Classic French FRYEs (but of course)
Shao Jun: Spring Rolls
Arbaaz: Indian Curry Potato FRYEs

And for pairings within Syndicate itself:

Freddy: Sweet Potato FRYEs
Henry: Stir-FRYEd Indian Curry Chicken
Starrick: FRYE Salad (the title of the page says it all – “When gourmet meets trashy”)
Roth: Bangers and Mash
Pearl: Spicy FRYEs
Lucy: Bubble and Squeak (AKA British fried leftovers)
With each other (the twins): The FRYE Up AKA Full English Breakfast

~ Signora Paola, who is now hungry for a truckload of FRYEs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

DACS Greatest Hits

Dear mods, if the assassins lived in modern day what would be their fake jobs, i.e. cover jobs that their girlfriends/boyfriends would use when introducing them to their parents for example? I need it for research purposes;)

April 9, 2016

Although you asked for “fake jobs,” I honestly do think these could be their real jobs to “hide” that what they really do. Kind of like a superhero needing a real job to hide their secret identity 😀

Altaïr: Professor at the department of Humanities (or maybe History or Philosophy) and Dean of the Graduate Studies in a university.

Ezio: “Former” model. He still models especially if it’s for a big brand, but he’s mostly a restaurateur.

Connor: Pilot, now training to be an astronaut. He nearly failed because of the height requirements (he too tol for space apparently), but his skills as a pilot and his background in astrophysics makes him a great candidate (yes I am projecting way too much of my fantasies).

Aveline: Head chef in one of Ezio’s restaurants.

Edward: Host of his own wildly popular travel show and professional daredevil. Like think Anthony Bourdain + Evel Knievel.

Adéwalé: Gym instructor and owner + tour guide. Has been featured in Edward’s show multiple times because his audience loves him.

Shay: Professional blogger + journalist + YouTube celebrity. Has some sort of rivalry with Arno hurhur. His fans and Arno’s fans really love to tear each other apart in the comments section, which adds to their rivalry.

Haytham: CEO of a tech company. He doesn’t know much about programming, but he’s great with management. Is also a fan of Shay and his blog, and is probably one of his most ardent YouTube defenders (guess what his YouTube username is).

Arno: Professional blogger + YouTube celebrity. Although he started blogging about food, he branched out to other topics and has a popular YouTube vlog. Is rivals with Shay because the topics they talk about are pretty much the same.

Shao Jun: Model + actress + singer. She’s what you call a “triple threat” although she’s mostly popular as a singer (because that’s where she started).

Arbaaz: Computer programmer + game developer. I see him being the “face” that his company uses whenever they have to promote a game, so he’s also partly a marketing person. 😀

Evie: Head of a big ad agency, started as a copywriter who worked her way up. Also has a background on design, but words is where her real strength lies.

Jacob: Photographer. He’s an all-around guy, but his strengths lie on fashion and still life photography, which works perfectly with Evie’s ad agency. He’s really popular among the major modelling agencies because the models – both male and female – really like him. Does voice acting on the side. *coughs*

~ Signora Paola

I leaning more in to thinking they would actually work and be Assassins, so here’s my list.

Altair: Model. His serious demeanor and killer looks have made him popular among many brands of clothes, perfumes and many other consumables.

Ezio: Actor. He would start in almost any kind of movie: romantic, comedies, action, adventure…

Connor: Personal Trainer. He’s an excellent trainer, pushes you to your limits, but reassures you when you need it. Connor also trains people in diverse fighting techniques.

Aveline: Hotel Line CEO. After the success opening a hotel in her hometown, she decided to open her own line of hotels around the country, which quickly became popular for their affordable price, yet luxurious accommodations.

Edward: International DJ. Since he loves traveling and good music, he drops the bass from time to time. Today in Paris, tomorrow in Ibiza…

Adéwalé: Dance instructor. I keep thinking Adé would be an amazing dancer and teacher! His academy specializes in ballroom dances, but they offer other style as well.

Shay: Host of a Night Show. Sort of like Fallon or Kimmel, where he would invite his guests to play games, sing or dance. Don’t miss the Tonight Show with Shay Cormac, 10:00pm!

Haytham: Head of a Law Firm. I’ve always seen Haytham as a man of words, so being a lawyer seems like something he would do. I don’t think he would lose a case.

Arno: Fashion Designer. Because, let’s be honest, Unity’s outfits were amazing and Arno looks like he has great a taste when it comes to clothing or decoration, so I think he would be a recognized fashion designer.

Shao Jun: Museum Curator. No one understand and appreciates art as Shao Jun. She has worked for the most famous museum like MOMA in New York, the Louvre, Paris.

Arbaaz: Five Star Chef. Again, I have no idea what I keep relating him to food, but I feel he would be fantastic as one. His specialties would be spicy food and pastries.

Evie: Journalist. Seeing as she kept all her memories in her journal, she would be the type of journalist that does good research and publishes the news no other would. She helps her brother on his website.

Jacob: Independent travel specialist. We know Jacob is not good with rules, so working for someone wouldn’t be his thing. So, he has a website dedicated to record his travels around the world finding good food, drink, and awesome things to do. Evie helps him manage his website.


DACS Greatest Hits

What are your tattoo headcanons? As in, what tats do you think the Assassins would have, and if they would do matching ones with their SO?

April 6, 2016

I could say something for Edward, but he already has some lol. So I’ll start with the others–

Desmond: he’d have the Assassin symbol somewhere on the inside of his arm, or on the back of his shoulder. I don’t think he’d do matching ones with his SO unless she can keep the organization a secret, and make sure not to betray him like Lucy did…

Aveline: I think she would have some geometric, First Civilization designs on her arms.

Shay: He’d get one on the back of his neck that only you could see if he ties his hair up. And it would be the Templar Cross tattoo.

– Ezio

I won’t include characters that already have tattoos obviously 😀 I’m also linking the designs to give you a better idea on how they’d look like.

Altaïr: A wing on his back that extends to his arm. I don’t really see it as an eagle motif, more like a “fallen angel” kind of theme. His SO can get a matching one on their other arm 😀

Ezio: A geometric tattoo that extends from forearm to his hand. Or something simple like this on his forearm.

Connor: Setting aside the natural choices like tattoos that respect his culture, for some reason I see him (his modern self especially) getting a pretty badass looking 3D tattoo like this.

Aveline: This one on her back.

Adéwalé: A simple design that runs the length of his spine like this

Haytham: I don’t really see him as someone who would get a tattoo, but for the sake of this question I can see him as someone who would get something subtle such as the Crux constellation on his hip, something that he could hide with his underwear XD

Shay: His favourite quotes tattooed around his wrists.

Arno: A text that goes “Insert coin in slot” just above his butt This design on his lower back (HEY I have you guys to thank for discovering the religion that is Arno’s Butt Appreciation™) I can see his SO getting the same on their belly XD

Shao Jun: Something like this around her wrist. Her SO would get the same one on their wrists, too.

Arbaaz: Geometric mandala designs on his legs and maybe even his arms.

Evie: Something sneaky, like a pretty but small flower tattoo on her lower back, maybe something like this.

~ Signora Paola

Same, I will only mention those who, to my knowledge, don’t have tattoos

Altaïr: Tribal designs on his upper or lower arms, both arms.

Ezio: Flowers or something romantic on his lower torso, you would have to take his pants off to see it… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Connor: Anchor or native totems (wolf, eagle or bear) on his big, muscular back.

Aveline: Birds or flowers on the back of her neck, only a few selected get to see it.

Adéwalé: Some skulls or crosses on his chest, but also ropes or anchors since he;s a sailor as well.

Haytham: A subtle templar cross on his chest, over his heart.

Shay: Tribal design on his back or maybe some sailor design on his torso.

Arno: Most likely a watercolor tattoo of the French flag on his back and maybe Elise’s name tattooed on his chest.

Shao Jun: A dragon tattoo that starts with the head at her shoulder and runs all the way to her thigh.

Arbaaz: I like thinking he has a cobra tattoo in his back.

Evie: Would probably have the Assassin crest in her wrist, or maybe another symbol on the back of her ears.


DACS Greatest Hits

Question to the admins: So I know we’ve talked a lot about the male Assassins and their voices, but what about some of the female characters and their voices? They’re just as pleasing to hear and they’re so lovely in their own way. So I was wondering which major female character (Assassin, Templar or otherwise) has the lovelier voice in your opinions? I personally like Evie and Aveline’s voices. – Flustered Anon

March 31, 2016

I love Kaniehtí:io’s voice. I’ve always had a thing for lower pitched female voices. ;D

~ Signora Paola

I adored Elise’s voice, it’s charming and enchanting.


She hasn’t been popular lately on this blog (and I’m still hoping that someone would send in some nice sexy secrets for her), and I’ve now just started playing AC Rogue, but I really like Hope Jensen’s voice….especially in the way she orders Shay around with it…uhhhhh…that could go down a dirty way. ;D (especially the part where Hope goes, ‘Have your skills actually *grown*, Shay?’ can have a sexual connotation to it huehuehue)

– Ezio

Ahh Mary’s voice sends shivers up my spine all the time!

-Sister Teodora

DACS Greatest Hits

What kind of job the assassin’s (and templars) would like to do during our times?

March 30, 2016

Hmmmmm can it be slightly earlier? I got some ideas for some 20th century stuff–

Edward: He’d work at a speakeasy place in Florida–bootlegging booze all the way from Cuba. Although he would try to make sure that Bacardi Rum becomes widespread in the US, and try to make sure that the Prohibition repeal gets passed in order to do this. He’d also be the type to wana give out his disposable income to anyone and everyone he meets on the street, always carrying around a fat wad of cash with him just to shoo everyone away with money.


Adéwalé: He’d originally be part of the Irish-British-Italian-Jewish-’coloreds’ crime syndicate of New York/New Jersey/Chicago/Los Angeles/Las Vegas/Florida, but along the line he’d get tired of the criminal life and instead join Haytham’s nightclub as an employee. He’d be a bar tender or a waiter, but wants no part of the actual bootleg operation.


Ezio: Would be part of said crime syndicate and work for the infamous Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, Johnny Torio, and the like. Gotta have that Italian mafia, yes? He’d own an Italian restaurant but use it as a meeting at night for the Italian mob–also he sells booze at his restaurant. He’d also meet up with Al in Chicago from time to time and spend some uhhh…lovely time at that cat house that Al Capone does some bouncer work at. 😛


Haytham: He’d be a dirty, retired politician that owns a jazz nightclub. It caters specifically to Whites, but would have a majority of Black employees. In reality, he’s using the club as a front to sell booze under Prohibition.


Aveline: Would work at said nightclub as a singer, but has absolutely no part in the criminal activities. Sure she’ll drink every now and then, but has no connection to the crime syndicate.


Connor: He’d be the kid that tried to go to an Ivy League university or something but struggle with it, and also get into a lot of trouble with the drinking and boozing thanks to his bootlegging dad and gramps. Like I’m just trying to imagine 19/20-something year-old Connor trying to throw a booze party with other students for the first time, just to fit in and be as cool as possible. Instead, he gets in trouble with the law and his smooth talker of a politician dad tries to get him out of it. This would inspire him to study law later on and wants no part in any of the criminal activities of his family.


Shay: Also would be a ‘prohee’ agent at first, but would quit later on after unsuccessfully trying to reveal the Kenway’s (barring Connor) criminal operations–and instead land himself in the middle of the crime syndicate itself, unwillingly working for mob bosses like Al Capone and co.


Hmm…I think I’ve been watching a little too much of Boardwalk Empire….I blame my friend @its-sarah-bridget for this and the whole sexy Kenways-in-suits thing for kickstarting this brilliant AU we have mwahaha~

– Signore Ezio