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Arbaaz Mir


April 24, 2018

‘I imagine one steamy night with Arbaaz Mir… he slowly strips off the
silken layers of my dress, careful to lightly brush and caress his
fingertips over my bare skin, teasing me and leaving me shivering with
desire. His movements are lithe and catlike, his voice is a deep,
velvety murmur, and his skin smells of wild spices and the desert. As we
make love upon silken sheets, I meet his intoxicating, beautiful green
eyes, and he drives me closer to the heights of pleasure.’


December 31, 2017

‘For my birthday (December 31st) my wish is to have a perfect threesome with Arbaaz and my boyfriend. Oh I would spend my whole day in bed just celebrating and in the evening I get a very special firework from both of them. Happy Birthday to me 😉😉’

Confession [@threrorian​]

Buon compleanno 🎉🎉🎉 Now’s the perfect time to do a very special countdown for the new year 😏


November 12, 2017

I want to have a secret paramour like Arbaaz Mir – he’d come to my room under the cover of darkness, silent as a shadow, and make exquisite, sensual love to me. His skin would smell like incense, and I’d cling to his strong, broad shoulders as he drives me closer to my peak with each of his powerful thrusts. He’d kiss me goodbye before the sun rises, the promise of his return the next night on his lips.

Confessions, Crossovers, Uncategorized

September 3, 2017

‘I would like to be a filling between Arbaaz Mir and Bhallaladeva. Arbaaz can be rough if he wants to but Bhallaladeva? He is a beast in the bed. I can imagine Arbaaz kissing my breasts making his way towards my pussy with his tongue while Bhallaladeva is pounding into me from behind as I moan loudly. Oh God, what is so special with Indian men. Forgive me father for I have sinned and I still am…’

Confession [@threrorian]


July 11, 2017

‘After reading ‘Assassin’s Creed Brahman’, I have an overzealous obsession with Arbaaz Mir. That gratuitous sight of his toned abs and lean body as he took a bath made me think all sorts of indecent thoughts, and I would have gladly traded places with Pyara Kaur as he made love to her in the royal gardens. Those dark eyes, those lean muscles and that velvety, dusky voice drives me absolutely crazy! I’d do anything for a night with that dangerous, gorgeous leopard of a man.’


June 13, 2017

‘I want to spend a passionate night in the gardens with Arbaaz Mir. I want to make love to him under the stars, amid the scent of jasmine perfuming the air, and admire his strong, muscular body dusted softly by the starlight. I want to gaze into those deep, dark eyes and listen to him whisper of his love for me in that beautiful voice of his. I want to be overwhelmed by him, body and soul.’


May 7, 2017

I bet Arbaaz is a tiger in bed. A very hungry one too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Confession by @threrorian


May 1, 2017

‘Arbaaz Mir’s character design, with those bare arms, do all sorts of crazy things to me~ <3


April 30, 2017

I walk around Taj Mahal at full moon and I feel someone watching my every step as I enjoy my time. Suddenly a hooded man jumps behind me and looks me hungrily. “Has anyone said how gorgeous you look, madam?” Arbaaz Mir growls in my ear and I’m taken other side of Taj Mahal where a second hooded man is waiting for us. In few seconds they both begin to worship me and I cum after long hours. “Who are you?” I ask and second man leans to my ear whispering his name, who’s my special tiger and man.

Confession by @threrorian


January 29, 2017

‘Somehow this fantasy sneaked in my mind today. Altaïr, Ezio (from Revelations. I just love his voice and dat beard) and Arbaaz have decided between them to have a cooking competition. They all cook their own meal for me and I have to choose the winner among them. I teasingly taste their meals while they watch me hungrily and I can’t decide, which one was the best so equally I drag them all to my bed with me… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Confession [@threrorian]