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although it wouldn’t be phone sex

Secluded Haystack

As a bisexual girl who likes twins, I can try to write smth about Evie for the Haystack, althought I’m not a talented writer and English is not my first language. You have been warned :D But you must tell me what kind of story do you want? How should it look like? You can tell me directly (I will keep your name secret) or you can tell it via our beloved blog (if ladies don’t mind :) ). I can’t promise the date neither, but I’ll try to do it ASAP. If you are interested, then mail me back (*^^*).

February 23, 2016

This is for the anon who sent us this message. ♥️

I personally am thinking of a sort of Evie companion piece to the one I just wrote. 😉

~ Signora Paola