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I saw the Chris Hemsworth/Edward Kenway thing and I thought, how about Charlie Hunnam as Edward Kenway?

March 30, 2016

Are you the one that sent this question:

  • Not a confession, but Edward to me looks more like Charlie Hunnam from Sons Of Anarchy his real life British accent doesn’t help things either. Plus they both have real nice butts.

If you did, I’m really sorry that I accidentally deleted it, thinking that it was a dirty confession so I put it on the work-in-progress page on the admins-only blog. >_< I skimmed at the message too fast to see the *not a confession* part. *orz*

If you didn’t welp. lol disregard what I sad~

Well I’ll say…


If Charlie gets Eddy’s tattoos then yeah, I can definitely see that~

– Ezio Auditore