‘All I want to do at this moment is to cover Lydia Frye‘s cunt with whipped cream and raspberries just to eat her out as a dessert after the main dish, a.k.a Adéwalé and Ah Tabai‘s cocks.‘
‘Ah Tabai? More like Ah Ta-Bae. He’s such a pretty Assassin. I wanna ride him on a beach in Mexico, or, in a pinch, any bit of warm sunny outdoors will do.
‘Another time I wanna get double-teamed by him and Eddie, or tripple teamed by him, Eddie, and Kidd in either gender version. Outdoors in broad, tropical daylight.’
‘I want werewolf!Connor and vampire!Jacob to take me to a sex club and fullfill all the fantasies we have on each other, from BDSM to pregnancy kink. Goodness… The crazy night we could have on that club! And of course vampire!Ah Tabai can join us too, if he doesn’t mind to share.’
Confession [@vickapinto]
I want a threesome with Ah Tabai and Adéwalé. And not just one time, no, more like every now and then. And I really want Ah Tabai’s head between my legs while I’m leaning back against Adé’s chest. (I think I’m going to write something for the Secluded Haystack… 😉)
Oh dear Anon…

Fans of Ah Tabai and Adé will thank you for it. Looking forward to your Secluded Haystack piece! <3
~ Annetta <3
‘I just can’t stop thinking about Ah Tabai making love to me passionately. Imagining his strong and large body covered with scars against mine, his muscular hands on my thighs, his sensual mouth kissing my neck, his hard cock giving me pleasure makes me wet a lot. I want so much to be fucked by this beautiful maya in my bed in all positions possible every night!’
‘Now, I have two crushes from Assassin’s Creed: Ah Tabai and Bayek, and I just can stop thinking about a threesome with them. Ah Tabai kneels behind me, pulls my back against his body, penetrates tenderly my butt and whispers “In k’ateech” (I love you in Yucatec) while Bayek kneeling in front of me, fingering me and sucking my nipples. Each time I think about this fantasy, my lower body hurts a lot. Ah Tabai looks savage and tender at the same time and Bayek looks savage and mysterious I find.’
Screencap credit [Ah Tabai]
“Deep inside the ancient chamber my ear picks up the faint sound of the footsteps though I am too taken by my lone pleasure at first to pay attention but my sense keep warns me to open my eyes. My heart skip a beat as I find him kneeling front of me, ‘Ah Tabai’ his name slips from my lips in my embarrass surprise. I try to cover myself in my shame but his voice stops me. ‘Let me help you make your dream to be real.’ His hot lips kisses mine while brushes my hands away free the way for himself. Nothing compares to any of my dreams how tender and passionately he made love to me.”
“His arms wraps around tenderly draws me close to him, teeth scraping my wet skin, his lips never stops tasting my body. ’Oh, Ah Tabai’ I whisper into his ear my body trembling making ripples around us in the moonlit pool. He pulls me behind the waterfall set me on the flat rocks. His chiseled velvet body hover over mine his narrowed eyes shines silently asking permission. Oh how can I refuse, all I ever wished for is this wonderful Mayan warrior to be mine and I am his. Lift my hips up to ’offer’ myself to him and he takes me in a most exquisite way and all I can do is melt away in his arms.”
Foodie anon again: I call Ah Tabai’s penis the ‘Pupusas de Queso’, since he’s Mayan and all. I bet you be taste like it, too.
Id love to have hot, messy sex with ah tabai in an underground ruin so our moans echo from every corner, and then we’d skinny dip in the clear water before round 2! Ah that perfect skin and those muscular legs…👌👌👌
Artcredit: (x)