Browsing Tag



April 17, 2016

‘I want Jacob to fuck me in nothing but his top hat.’

We’ve gotten hat confessions like these before…I think I might have to make a special tag for that soon, too.

– Ezio Auditore


March 30, 2016

‘I’m ridiculously turned on by Connor in his Captain outfit and want to ride that man into the sunset while wearing his hat.’


March 17, 2016

“I want to ride Haytham Kenway’s face while wearing his hat”.


Confessions, Paola's Choice

March 6, 2016

I just want to find Jacob Frye on my bed in a state like this, with him saying, “You had a hard day, love. Perhaps, there is something else that is hard that you desire?” His grin is wide and wicked as he winks at me, “This hat can do magic. Just take it off and see for yourself.”

Art by themasterassassin


February 21, 2016

“I want to wear Edward Thatch’s hat as I ride him”.


Confessions, Paola's Choice

February 10, 2016

‘1868 Jacob without a hat on is something for me to swoon and get bothered over. But 1888 Jacob in general makes my brain short-circuit and just want have passionate sex with the man as I run my fingers through his hair and leave numerous hickies on that gorgeous neck of his.’

Confessions, Not-So-Dirty Confessions

February 5, 2016

Jacob’s top hat makes him 10 times sexier than he already is”.



January 26, 2016

“I had this dream where I was on the train with Jacob and am giving him a lap dance in his robe and top hat and he whispered in my ear, “M’Lady you look sexier than I do in my robe.” I smile our foreheads touch and as I run my hands though his hair. In the dream I’m not wearing anything under his robe and am completely naked. Then Jacob pushed me to the ground and shoves his head between my legs. And before I knew it I was screaming his name as I orgasmed”.



December 11, 2015

“I want to ride Napoléon Bonaparte, steal his hat, put it on and reenact his famous portrait on the horse”.

If you know what i mean 😉


December 10, 2015

“I want to tie up Christopher Gist and ride him while wearing his hat and coat”.