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Secluded Haystack

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

January 15, 2018

Read more at Secluded Haystack

I really apologise for the delay of this posting! I wasn’t able to access our Haystack e-mail box in a while 😓

~ Signora Paola

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

December 16, 2017

Read more at Secluded Haystack (Javascript enabled, the page will prompt you questions important to the story)

Confession [@auroramuller]

Secluded Haystack

I’ve got a quick question about the haystack. Is it for only 1 character and only AC? Example: you can write about Jacob just fine, throw Evie in the mix would that be allowed? Or instead of Evie, add that dude from Lucifer? Or is it solely for just Jacob. Does any of that make sense?

December 8, 2017

As long as it’s a reader insert and it involves an AC character, it will be accepted 🙂

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

November 28, 2017

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Confession [@sazula]

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

November 18, 2017

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Confession [@sazula]

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

November 2, 2017

A fictional continuation of this confession!

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Confession [@jezsiema]

I really apologise for the delay of this posting. I got extremely busy the previous month that I actually forgot that this was in my pending folder. 😭

~ Signora Paola

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

September 22, 2017

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Extended Confessions, Secluded Haystack, Uncategorized

August 30, 2017

Read more at Secluded Haystack

Secluded Haystack

Not a confession but a question: If we submitted something to the Secluded Haystack via email, how would we know when the story is published?

August 28, 2017

You just need to wait for it to be published here on DACS. If you haven’t been to the bordello for a while and you don’t want to wade through pages and pages of confessions, you can bookmark this tag to keep track.

~ Signora Paola