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Not a confession, but is there no birthday celebration for Edward?

March 11, 2017

Well, we didn’t get any birthday confessions for Edward so… ☹️

I’m not sure if people plainly forgot (although we do have a birthday calendar on our blog if viewed on a web browser). A part of me wants to make specialised birthday banners for the characters on their birthdays, but it’s a lot of work… unless I do them all in advance. I don’t even know if our patrons would like that. 🤔

~ Signora Paola


Can we start calling the Frye twins the sin twins? 😂 Jacob is already undisputed king, and Evie seems to be getting a lot of attention lately.

March 10, 2017

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also, due to the twins’ popularity, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate has the most number of confessions out of all the games (currently at 1644; the next is AC3 at 974). I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – the game should be renamed Assassin’s Creed: SINdicate because it has caused so many of us to sin 😈

~ Signora Paola


How long would you say it takes for a confession to go through? I ask because I asked mine quite a while ago and still haven’t seen it. :(

March 9, 2017

It depends! Normally it’d take a week or so, but if it’s a confession about a character that has gotten a lot of confessions within the span of a week or so, it might take a while.

If your confession isn’t published after a month, then it’s likely Tumblr ate it or we didn’t accept it because it broke our rules or there was a similar confession posted already.

~ Signora Paola


Not a confesion at all but I don’t know how or why I just end on this blog every day without exception… Are you sure that you do not absorb souls when you join? Love you a lot girls <3

March 7, 2017

Now, now, we don’t absorb any errant soul that stumbles upon our little bordello. We only… transform them into the most beautiful founts of raunchiness. 😉 And in that centre of that wellspring is us, your dutiful mods frolicking like the nymphs of old

Except we look more like this

~ Signora Paola


March 5, 2017


If you remember, I uploaded this video of myself editing 22 confessions in 3 in a half hours, sped up so the whole thing would only take 11 minutes. Well, that video had a little cheat – I pre-selected the images I used beforehand. I’ve always said that searching and choosing images takes the BULK of the time when I start editing these confessions… and this video shows exactly that. I edited 24 confessions this time, and the whole process took more than four hours. I sped it up to make the whole thing only last 8 minutes, while the theme of King Thordan boss fight from Final Fantasy XIV plays in the background because I swear to God, doing 20++ confessions in one go feels a lot like going into a boss battle lol.

You can also see which confessions I took a lot of time on when selecting images. I’m really not joking that it could take me 20 minutes just finding a good one. XD;;;

Reblogging for any of our patrons who are curious with the whole process. You’ll probably notice I switch to YouTube (and even watch/listen to videos) several times. Any person who has a desk job in the creatives field likely understands the need to listen to something while working. I sometimes find myself relying more on “background noise” than coffee to stay alert, frankly. ;^^

~ Signora Paola


Hello! Quick question/request, could you please tell us what fonts you use for the confessions and your tumblr credit on the confessions? I want to try and ease the workload on you guys so want to make my confession pics to submit but am a bit of a stickler and want to make them look as good as possible. Merci! 😘

March 5, 2017

Molte grazie for wanting to help, anon! 🤗 I use Neutraface and Qlassik for the confession entries. For the blog watermark/Tumblr credit, it’s Caturrita (I’m not sure where you can get it for free, but it’s currently on sale – from $40 to just $8). I also use that font for our regular Sinday confessions 🙂 The rest of the fonts we use are listed here.

~ Signora Paola


Sorry my latest confessions haven’t been that great, I’ve had to deal with a lot recently, and I wanted to make a start on my resolution. Now that I have more or less sorted stuff out…. My next lot of confessions should be back on track. And I’ll be writing for my favourite characters, before moving onto others that I don’t know well/Don’t like much. And just realised how many characters there are….. A heck of a lot!

March 2, 2017

Please, don’t ever think about your confessions being ‘not great’! Some of us already find it a little challenging to write a confession about our favourite character, let alone someone we don’t know well! I know you intend to keep your resolution – and I truly admire you for doing this – but please don’t force yourself! We want people, especially our loyal patrons like you, to have fun writing confessions and never to feel that it’s a chore to do so. (´∀`)♡

~ Signora Paola