
July 12, 2017

We have been riding for hours when he decided that we should stop by a lake to rest for the night. We dismount our motorcycles and started setting up camp. Night came and the stars were twinkling above us. Even with the campfire to keep us warm, the night was still chilly. “I still feel cold, Jacob.”

“Well now, there is a way to keep warm but we have to go into the tent and get naked,” he smirked taking my hand and brought me into the tent. I straddled the man, as we kissed. It did not take long for the cold tent to get heated up with passion. His hands strayed over my body, peeling every piece of garment off my body. We took it slowly at first. Soon, we were both naked and he towered over me. “Are you ready?” he asked. As soon as I nodded, he took my body at full throttle. 

The next morning, let me just say, we were both sore but thankfully, not sore enough to render me unable to continue riding. Psst… Considering, I rode Jacob Frye half the night. 😏 


Picture credit: @llljacobfrye4lifelll and Universal Pictures